Pomoc w tlumaczeniu krotkiego tekstu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Pisze prace z historii sztuki i znalazlam interesujacy mnie opis rzezby, jednak tylko po angielsku i potrzebuje dobrej duszy, ktora mi pomoze...

Slabo znam angielski, nie na tyle, zeby to jakos sensownie przetlumaczyc, a potrzebne mi to jest do pracy z historii sztuki. Zatem prosze... czy ktos mi pomoze:

"Arp’s titles, such as Head and Shell or Metamorphosis: Shell-Swan suggest counterparts in nature for his ambiguous organic forms. Such titles should not be considered too literally, however, as they were no doubt inspired by the completed sculptures. As Arp explained his working process, “Each of these bodies has a definite significance, but it is only when I feel there is nothing more to change that I decide what each means, and it is only then that I give it a name.”

Human Concretion of 1934 , suggest general processes of growth, crystallization, and metamorphosis, rather than specific motifs drawn from nature. The present sculpture shares the bulbous, protuberant character of the Concretions, its curved and coiled base expressing the spontaneous energy of pullulation.
Na kiedy Ci to potrzebne? Nie mam tyle czasu, żeby przetłumaczyć Ci cały tekst, bo wielu słów nie znam, ale jeśli chcesz, możemy to zrobić wspólnie. Przetłumaczę Ci część, a pojednyncze wyrazy znajdziesz w słowkinu, co Ty na to?