przetłumaczcie mi ten dialog PROSZE!!!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
- Hello , Rebeeca. What’s up? It’s time for you to go home, isn’t it?
- Hello, Mrs Shaw. I’m just looking for something.
- Your mother knows you’re still at school, doesn’t she?
- It’s OK , she’s still at work.
- What are you looking for?
- Well, a couple of things, actually. You’ve heard of Anna Nowicka, haven’t you?
- She’s a journalist, isn’t she?
- Well, yes , and a writer. So I was looking for her books.
- She was also a pupil at Parkside, wasn’t she? I saw her on TV last Saturday. She went down really well.
- You haven’t read any of her books, have you?
- No but I hear they’re very good. She won a prize, didn’t she?
- Yes, that’s right. The other thing I was looking for were the old school magazines, especially the ones she wrote. We don’t have a school magazine any more, do we?
- No. we don’t. it’s a real pity.
- I was really interested in how she started writing with the school magazine.
- And you wan to start a new school magazine, don’t you?
- Well, I was thinking about it when I was on holiday. Actually, …
- Go on
- I’d really like to do a school webzine. You know, on the World Wide Web. I’m sure I could come up with something really good.
- A webzine! Like Anna Nowicka.
- That’s right. And we could have school news and everything and links with lots of other schools like Parkside, around the world, so we could share our news. And I’ve got lots of ideas too. I can show you at once. Look, what do you think?
- I think you should give it a go. But …
- But what?
- This isn’t the right time to talk about it, is it? Do me a favour and go home. And we’ll talk about it tomorrow. How about meeting at lunch?
- Oh. All right. OK. See you then.


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