Proszę o poprawienie błędów ;)

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Today when everyone has access to the Internet information spreads like wildfire. Thanks to website like we can find out many interesting stuff. Unfortunately there are some people who post controversial films and become popular thanks to silliness. They often don’t have nothing important to say so they offended others or just act weird. I don’t have anything against them as far as they only entertain people and they don’t have influence on viewers’ behavior. I believe they will never emulate good actors, singers or publicists, because after about a month people forget about mean comments or funny statement.
Today when everyone has access to the Internet information spreads like wildfire. Thanks to website like we can find out many interesting stuff. Unfortunately there are some people who post controversial films and become popular thanks to silliness. They often don’t have nothing important to say so they offended others or just act weird. I don’t have anything against them as far as they only entertain people and they don’t have influence on viewers’ behavior. I believe they will never emulate good actors, singers or publicists, because after about a month people forget about mean comments or funny statement.
Kiedy, no kiedy 9moze sie doczekam zanim odejde z tego swiatu) ludzie beda wiedzieli jak uzywac te przedimki....

Thanks to (BRAK przedimka) like we can find out many interesting 'stuff' (ALE przeciez 'many' daje Ci znac ze chodzi o l. mnoga - czy nie tak?) . Unfortunately there are some people who post controversial films and become popular thanks to (tutaj cos brakuje) silliness. They often don’t have 'nothing' (TO JEST ZLE powinno byc ANYTHING) important to say so they offended others or just act weird. I don’t have anything against them IN as far as they only entertain people and they don’t have influence on viewers’ behavior. I believe they will never emulate good actors, singers or publicists, because after about a month people forget about mean comments or (a GDZIE przedimek?) funny statement.
rozumiem masz na myśli, że nothing i inne "no- "używamy bez drugiego przeczenia a anything z dodatkowym przeczeniem?
Do czego przykleic to IN w 'in as far'...?
raczej sie pomylilo z insofar as, ewent. inasmuch as
wg. mnie FAR jest zle w tym tekscie.
albo jak napisalem, albo as long as, ok?
oczywiscie znaczenie as long as i insofar as jest rozne.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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