Transkrybcja krótkiego filmiku

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam bardzo bym prosila o transkrybcję tego krótkiego filmiku (kilka minut ) od 00:58 do 2:56
mam też materiał ktory samej udało mi się stranskrybować ale jest wybrakowany :

Morocco may be on the continent of Africa but its’ cultural reflex has European and Mediterranean influences. Unique in Muslim world this is a country that embraces Berber history along with a mid-century reputation as a jet set destination. Winston Churchill called it a lovely spot in entire world and it is becoming natural back craft for many in modern movie. One of Morocco’s most famous cities is Marrakesh defined simply as mysterious and exotic. So my journey begins here , at the centre of Marrakesh, In Jamal el Fna- the public square that is the soul of the city. History repeats itself every evening here when the sun sets and the square transforms into a…of activity for local cuisine. It’s the reason I’m here. At five p.m on the dot hundreds of food venders holding ..and setting up their restaurants . In two hours later .., this is el Jamal el Fna.'s_great_weekends-(smoky_mountains)/6630/TRAVP/Monday_June_28_2010/349894/


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