Proszę o sprawdzenie. Krótkie ogłoszenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie mojego krótkiego ogloszenia :)

Imagine you are organising a talk about saving
energy. Design an announcement for the talk.
Include the following information:
• describe the problem
• say what the talk will be about
• say when and where it is

Let's start saving energy!
We use too much energy!
We need save energy from today!
You must stop mindless lose energy!
You want to know how?

Come this Friday to Zs CKU in ... and listen to speach about save energy!

date day itp

edytowany przez magikowa44: 18 lut 2013

We need (cos brak) save energy from today!
You must stop mindless 'lose' (ortog) (brak slowa) energy!

Come this Friday to Zs CKU in ... and listen to (przedimek) speach about 'save' (zle slowo) energy!

and listen to (przedimek) speach about save energy!
edytowany przez grudziu: 18 lut 2013
Ja bym w kontekscie jednego z powyzszych zdan chcial widziec waste /wasting/.