Christmas riddles

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. What is white and made out of snow?
2. Describe in one word Santa's suit after he goes down the chimney.
3. What do Santa's beard and Christmas tree have in common?
4. What's fat and has red dots all over?
5. What do they call Santa's helpers?
6. What song does Tarzan sing at Christmas?
7. What did Adam say to Eve the day before Christmas?
8. Spell 'hard water' with three letters.
9. What is the end of Christmas?
10. What bites but has no teeth?
11. An elf said, "40 reindeer have 84 legs." Prove it.
12. What do you have in December that you don't have in any other month?
13. Why did the turkey join the school band?
14. What was Santa doing when he got a virus?
15. What do you call people who are afraid of Santa?
1. Snowman
2. Soot cloth
3. They scratch
4. Sick Santa Claus
5. Parents
6. Jungle Bells
7. "How about a Christmas tree without a snake?"
8. Ice
9. Extremely lazy people
10. Clock
11. No idea
12. The shortest day
13. No idea
14. No idea
15. Crazy people

Eva, is maryush75 right? Could you present the answers to the riddles? That would be nice of you :-)

I like the answer that Tarzan's song is "Jungle Bells" :-D. It's witty. How about the original answer? Is it the same?
eva pewnie już świętuje:)))
1. I'm agree with maryush75 ; ]
2. I'm agree too.
3. Both of these things: grow / prick / are some kind of bush ; ]
4. Santa's wife [?]
5. A little green elfs [?]
6. I suppose maryush75's answer is correct ; ]
7. "Lets bake the apple cake!"
8. EHW
9. empty wallet and full stomach
10. frost
11. give me a minute...
12. a good word from my mother-in-law [?]
13. He wanted be famous [?]
14. [?]
15. politicians
1. snowman
2. dirty
3. they both need trimming
4. Santa Claus with chicken pox
5. subordinate clauses
6. Jungle Bells
7. It's Christmas, Eve.
8. ice
9. the letter 's'
10. frost
11. 40 reindeer have 80 fore legs
12. the letter 'D'
13. because he already had drumsticks
14. playing on the internet
15. claustrophobic (claus - trophobic)

I like the answer that Tarzan's song is "Jungle Bells" :-D. It's
>witty. How about the original answer? Is it the same?

There's a Christmas song called "Jingle Bells".
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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