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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam! Czy mogłabym prosić o sprawdzenie poprawnoći poniższego teksu? Nie jestem zbyt dobra z angielskiego, więc proszę o pomoc. Z góry dziekuję :)

State Higher Vocational School is a relatively young and growing institution. It’s mission is to prepare young people for professions requiring higher education without the need to move out of the house, so it is important to represent the same high level as universities in large cities. We decided to check if students and lecturers are satisfied with study or work on the university.
Knowing the degree of satisfaction of students and lecturers, we are able to identify what the problems bothering them. And allow the authorities to amend the university for better. When students are satisfied, then they more likely to gain knowledge, and often recommend the university and encourage younger colleagues to study close to home, which may help to increase the number of students. However, lecturer’s satisfaction directly influences the quality of knowledge transfer and therefore it is important that they feel good at work. In order to check the level of satisfaction of the two groups, carried out research.
'It’s' (tutaj napisales IT IS - pomysl, czy to jest dobrze) mission is to prepare young people for professions requiring higher education without the need to move out of the house, so it is important (dla kogo? musisz napisac) to represent the same high level (ale czego? musisz napisac) as universities in large cities. We decided to check if students and lecturers are satisfied with study or work 'on' (to jest kalka z polskiego, i nie rozumiem dlaczego wszyscy w ta pulapse wpadaja...) the university.
Knowing the degree of satisfaction of students and lecturers, we are able to identify what ARE the problems bothering them. 'And' (nie zaczynaj zdania z 'and'- to jest lacznik zdan a nie pierwsze slowo w nowym zdaniu. Wiem, teraz to ludzie pisza byle jak i coraz wiecej zaczynaja z 'and' ale pokaz ze znasz sie na jezyku) allow the authorities to 'amend' (nie za bardzo trafne slowo-moze adjust?) the university for better.
....When students are satisfied, then they ARE more likely to gain knowledge, and often recommend the university and encourage younger colleagues to study close to home, which may help to increase the number of students....(to jest za dlugie zdanie)
However, lecturer’s satisfaction directly influences the quality of knowledge transfer and therefore it is important that they feel 'good' (nie, moze inne slowo, satisfied, motivated?) at work. In order to check the level of satisfaction of the two groups, (kto? co? pies? kotek? lekarz?) carried out research.
Cytat: terri
Knowing the degree of satisfaction of students and lecturers, we are able to identify what ARE the problems bothering them.

Czy moglbym prosic o wyjasnienie dlaczego nie mozna, jesli rzeczywiscie nie mozna, napisac:
[...] what the problems bothering them are.?
mozna z 'are' na koncu, ja dalam 'are' przed dla przyblizenia efektu.
1. What are the problems?
2. What the problems are?.
Kolejna lekcja :) Dziekuję.
Dziękuję bardzo za wszystkie uwagi :)
Cześć! Prosiłbym o szybkie sprawdzenie poprawności gramatycznej mojej pracy. Z góry dzięki :-)
PS Miałem użyć jak najwięcej przyszłych form i czasów. Pisane było na szybko na telefonie, więc może brakować apostrofów, albo będą występować literówki. Jbc to przepraszam.
Nowadays, level of technology is so advanced that we should start thinking about what is going to happen in the future. Mankind could be so addicted to Artificial Intelligence that we may not be able to deal with daily duties. There are plenty of predictions about how future world will be looking like. Here are some of my ideas.
People are not aware of consequences of their actions. Within 50 years we're likely to deatroy our planet. If we do, it will be end of mankind. Earth could be habitat of other breeds and there may no t be such thimg as future for humanity. If we dont decrease level of poverty and crime people will be lost. Another prolem is that Earth is running out of oil and by 2060petrol will have dissappeared. This results fall of plane transport and international trade and barter.
But I hope this wont happen. To be sure I belive in much more optimistic version of future. Scientist will have found cure fo cannce, AIDS, HIV and MS. AI will be more helpful than destructive, and it actually mighthelp kids with education. According to many of articles about 2060 we're going to have complex devices, which will be helping us finding information in the Internet, communicate with people from abroad and learning. We will have been able to replacing parts of our body in way how cars are repaired. The goveenments will have solved poverty problem in Africa and conflicts of arms in Asia. Level of living in poor country will raise and Europen Union wont collapse.
>>[...] what the problems bothering them are.?

ugly as a mud fence

..to identify the problems they (may) have with/regarding this and that..
edytowany przez savagerhino: 09 maj 2013
Nowadays, (przedimek) level of technology is so advanced that we should start thinking about what is going to happen in the future.
There are plenty of predictions about how (przedimek) future world will 'be looking' LOOK like.
People are not aware of (przedimek) consequences of their actions. Within 50 years we're likely to 'deatroy' (ortog) our planet. If we do, it will be (przedimek) end of mankind. (przedimek) earth could be (przedimek) habitat of other 'breeds' (zle slowo) and there may not be such (przedimek) 'thimg' (ortog) as (przedimek) future for humanity. If we don't decrease (przedimek) level of poverty and crime THEN people will be lost. Another 'prolem' (ortog) is that (przedimek) earth is running out of oil and by 2060 petrol will have 'dissappeared' (ortog). 'This results fall of plane' (cos tu nie tak) transport and international trade and barter.
But I hope this 'wont' (napisz w calosci) happen. To be sure I 'belive' (ortog) in (przedimek) much more optimistic version of (przedimek) future. (przedimek) scientist will have found (przedimek) cure fo 'cannce' (orttog), AIDS, HIV and MS.
According to many of articles about 2060 we're going to have complex devices, which will 'be helping' HELP us 'finding' TO FIND information 'in' (on) the Internet, communicate with people from abroad and 'learning' LEARN. We will have been able to 'replacing' REPLACE parts of our body in (tu brak 2 slowa) way AS how cars are repaire NOWADAYS. The 'goveenments' (ortog) will have solved (przedimek) poverty problem in Africa and (przedimek) conflicts of arms in Asia. (przedimek) level of living in (przedimek) poor country will 'raise' (zle slowo) and 'Europen' (ortog) Union 'wont' (napisz w calosci) collapse.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.