Prośba o sprawdzenie transformacji.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dobry wieczór,

Mam prośbę - Czy mógłby ktoś z Państwa sprawdzić transformacje?
Dwa zdania nie są uzupełnione.

1) John prefers windsurfing to sailing.
John would rather prefer windsurfing than sailing.

2) When we crossed the Tatras, we couldn't see the Giewont because of the rain.
If it hadn't rained while we had crossed the Tatras, we could have seen Giewont.

3) Jane doesn't have so far to travel as the other students.
The other students......

4) The police have advised car owners to fit an alarm in their cars.
Is it: Car owners have recieived an advise to fit an alarm in their cars?

5)They didn't take their exam because they were ill.
Had they weren't ill, they would take their exam.

6)Should we persuade him not to buy that old house?
Is there any sense to persuade him not to buy that old house?

7) Have you got stronger cigarettes?
Are these....

8)Offering him more money won't make any difference.
Even if you will offer him more money it will not make any difference.

9) He siad the car must must be repaired soon.
He insisted on the car that it have been repaired soon.

10) I was amazed by the things he said.
I thought what he said was amazing.

11) You're allowed to eat at that restaurant without wearing tie.
You don't have to wear a tie to eat at that restaurant.

12) It would be a pity to sell this house.
Let's assume that it would be a pity to sell this house.

edytowany przez justyna1234567: 06 sie 2013
Juz od gory masz problem.
1. prefer mialo byc zastapione slowem rather
4. Uzyj advice jako czasownik w odpowiedniej formie. /imo/
W innych tez bledy. Ja bym chcial wiedziec co bylo podane w odpowiedziach.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 07 sie 2013


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