must have been

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
mam pytanko, czy to zdanie jest poprawne obviously there must have been a reason why he was asked to do *something* and why they insisted so strongly to he do it later *gdzies tam*? chodzi mi o to ze musial byc jakis powod, dla ktorego cos komus kiedys zaoferowano i dlaczego pozniej poproszono go by zrobil to samo gdzies indziej.
I jeszcze jedno, czy mozna napisac thank you that you will look for it for me? w sensie, ze dziekuje komus za to, ze, obiecal, ze czegos dla mnie poszuka?
Ja prędzej dalbym : ..insisted ON him to do something later.
There must have been SOME reason why..
dzieki, a jak z tymi podziekowaniami?
...thank you for looking for it for me...
nawet jesli ta osoba tego jeszcze nie zrobila, tylko dopiero zamierza to zrobic?
Cytat: Robbertoxx
Ja prędzej dalbym : ..insisted ON him to do something later.
There must have been SOME reason why..

infinitive nie
...insisted on him/his doing it later ..
..insisted that he do/should do it later
dzieki, a te podziekowania tak jak terri napisal? :)
Cytat: cw85
dzieki, a te podziekowania tak jak terri napisal? :)
- ok

You really laid an egg here, but it's ok, you didn't know. Terri is a hot ginger beauty with legs like Betty Grable's.. and she's dangerous too.
edytowany przez savagerhino: 19 wrz 2013
dzieki :)

I'm so sorry, I didn't know :( I should have checked it before I wrote that post :/ I hope I didn't offended her ;)
edytowany przez cw85: 19 wrz 2013
Cytat: cw85
dzieki :)

I'm so sorry, I didn't know :( I should have checked it before I wrote that post :/ I hope I didn't offended her ;)

Nah, she's an easy-going gal, you know, like plain sailing.
thank god :D
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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