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The social networks- the kindness or the cures. We live in time where internet has a huge power.
First of all social networks give you opportunity to find your old friend or people which you lost contact years ago. Thanks to Facebook I found girl which I met in Paris and I still texting with her. On Tumblr I met a lot o people from different country which like the same series, books. They are like good friends which I’ve never met.
Secondly social networks give us constant contact with friend. We can texting with hours. If I will absent at school my best friend can send me notes and write what we must do for homework and what’s up in school and other friends.
Moreover social networks are chance to meet new people. There are a lot of groups which bring together people with similar interests and aims, some people call them fandom for example fans of series ‘Supernatural fandom’. They talk about actors, everything concocted with series and of course what happened in new episode.
Social networks also have disadvantages like addiction. More and more often we hear about teenager which can’t live without posting at Facebook or Twiter. If in public place there is no Wi-Fi they are desperate because they can’t use Facebook.
I think the social networks used wisely are the kindness, they give a lot of opportunity to contact with people and find new and old friends. We can stay in touch all the time. The social networks can be the cures if we loose control and posting or texting is everything you need.
The social networks- 'the' (niepotr) kindness or 'the' (niepotr) 'cures' (chyba curses). We live 'in' (daj inne slowo) (cos brak) time where internet has a huge power.
First of all social networks give you (przedimek) opportunity to find your old friend or people 'which' (daj tutaj 'with') (o ludziach to 'who', tutaj 'whom') you lost contact years ago. Thanks to Facebook I found (przedimek) girl 'which' (whom) I met in Paris and I still 'texting' (zly czas) with her. On Tumblr I met a lot of people from different 'country' (tutaj l. mn) 'which' (who) like the same series, books. They are like good friends 'which' (zmien) I’ve never met.
Secondly social networks give us (przedimek) constant contact with friendS. We can 'texting' (zle slowo) 'with' (zle slowo) hours. If I 'will' (daj 'would' be) absent at school my best friend can send me notes and write what we must do for homework and what’s up in school and WITH other friends.
Moreover social networks are (przedimek) chance to meet new people.
They talk about actors, everything 'concocted' (zle slowo) with series and of course what happened in EACH new episode.
More and more often we hear about (przedimek) teenager 'which' (who) can’t live without posting at Facebook or Twiter. If in (przedimek) public place there is no Wi-Fi they are desperate because they can’t use Facebook.
I think the social networks used wisely are 'the' (nie, tutaj 'a') kindness, they give a lot of opportunity 'to' OF contact with people and TO find new and old friends.
The social networks can be the 'cures' (dalabym slowo 'curses') if we loose control and posting or texting is everything THAT you need.


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