moje szkolne zycie .

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I am wiktoria.this year I'm studying 14 subjects.I have about eight hours of lessons everyday.I prefer strictly subjects because I know these are very important for maths teacher is kind and funny.she makes me laugh but sometimes she is too strict when we talk during the lesson.then she usually makes us do physics teacher is very nice and for me she's my best teacher at school.In the future I would like to be a doctor so biology and chemistry are subjects which are most important to go to the university and I like these subjects a lot.I seldom have free time so I usually do homeworks in the evening in my room and I play computer games at the same time. poprawcie bledy prosze lub cos dodajcie.będę bardzo wdzięczna
nauki scisle = sciences, możesz dać wielką literą
praca domowa jes tneipoliczalna
w zdaniu z biology - the subjects which are the most important...
the przed subject, bo one sa dokladnie okreslone jako 'te, ktore sa najwazniejsze'

nie rozumiem 'makes us do homework' - jak sie dobrze zachowujecie, to nie zadaje do domu?
every day
strictly subjects?
are (przedimek) subjects
(przedimek) most important
homework jest niepoliczalne