Personal statement

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam! Wybieram się na studia w UK, kierunek psychologia... Wiem, że jest to forum językowe ale jestem w kropce. Kompletnie nie umiem pisać o sobie (może inaczej -wychwalać siebie) więc liczyłabym na jakąkolwiek pomoc kogoś kto wie jak to napisać...
Coś o mnie..
Jak już wspomniałam będę aplikować na Psychologię, wcześniej zanim zdecydowałam się na wyjazd przez rok studiowałam Pedagogikę na Uniwerku we Wrocławiu, wszystko zaliczyłam. Przez wiele lat działałam w jakiś wolontariatach, wiele prac społecznych...nie wiem czy mam to wszystko zawierać w tym liście?
Kamila :)
Więc już troszkę napisałam i jakby ktoś mógł zerknąć na blędy itd, jak już wspomniałam nie jestem dobra w pisaniu...

I wish to apply for a Psychology course for the 2[tel]academic year.
I wish to provide some further information about myself and my motivation for choosing this course to support my application. My name is Kamila ..., originally I am from Poland. I have studied Pedagogy at University of Wroclaw for one year before I decided to move to United Kingdom.
I have always been very active in school volunteering. It started when I was 13 years old. I was doing there many different works like helping in school for blind kids. I was helping them with their home works, spending free time together, it was being kind of guardian for them. I was helping kids with down syndrome to get home safely and take part with them in theatre lessons. When I get to high school my volunteering work changed. I started to work with kids having cancer, helping them doing daily activities but also making sure their frame of mind is good. Except that I was taking part in many programs and trainings for guardians. In same time as a part of volunteering I am giving Mathematics and English lessons for kids from neighborhood. Through I always had many extra activities I always tried to make sure that I never neglect my school works. I think it shows that I am responsible person because I always meet obligations. I am very enthusiastic person which helps me doing my work. I do not have problems with meeting new people, I am very social person.
The course I was studying in Poland was very interesting and didactic. I had classes from General Psychology, Psychology of Human Development, Theory of Education and many other ones connected with Education and child development. After first year I realized that studying Psychology would give me better opportunity to understand of the reality that surrounds me, help me to find solutions of many different problems, capabilities and human development. I would like to deepen my knowledge about the human psychics, personalities. I think self-improvement and self-development are very important as well in that kind of studies. Studying Psychology would give me an opportunity to understand social life and mechanisms operate in there.
I am very excited about the opportunity studying in United Kingdom. I always had big interest in different cultures than mine. I know living in other country would give me big chance to improve my language skills, make new friends and would let me to improve that I am independent person as well as I am very easy to work in groups.
In summary I am very enthusiastic about the opportunities this course will offer me. I believe that my previous experience and strong motivation and makes me a expedient candidate for this course.
Yours sincerely
I wish to apply for 'a' ( a ile tych courses maja, jak jeden to daj dokladna nazwe kursu) Psychology course for the 2[tel]academic year.
'I wish to provide some further information about myself' (wg mnie niepotr - i do tego maslo maslane..zacznij. My motivation for ...choosing this course IS............'My name is Kamila ..., originally I am from Poland' (to jest calkowicie niepotr - bo to chyba beda mieli na twojej aplikacji - nie musza miec tego powtarzane). I have studied 'Pedagogy' (musisz napisac dokldniej co i jak) at University of Wroclaw for one year (kiedy podaj kdokladny rok) before I 'decided to' (niepotr) moveD to (a gdzoe jest przedimek?) United Kingdom.
'I have always been very active in school volunteering' (to zdanie jest nieladne - nie rozumiem co to ma do rzeczy). 'It started when I was 13 years old' (trzeba to ujac w pierwszym zdaniu...Since I was 13 I have...). 'I was doing there' (tyo jest niepopr gramat. I DID) many different 'works' (calkowicie zle slowo) like helping in school for 'blind' (nie uzywamy tego slowo, okreslenie to jest 'visually impaired' i nie zadne kids tylko children) kids. I 'was helping' (dlaczego nie piszesz tak jak powinno byc...I helped them with..) them with their 'home works' (napisz to jedno slowo poprawnie), spending free time together, 'it was being' (a nie a capacity of a guardian) kind of guardian for them. I 'was helping kids' (helped children) with 'down syndrome' (popraw ale i musza byc DUZE litery) to get home safely and 'take' (ale to robilas wczesniej to musisz uzywac czasu przeszlego TOOK) part with them in theatre lessons. When I 'get' (zle slowo) to high school my volunteering work changed. I started to work with 'kids' (children) 'having' (zle slowo) cancer, helping them doing daily activities but also making sure their frame of mind 'is good' (za bardzxo kolokwialne - i tak to w ogole co to znaczy, wiecej szczegolow). 'Except' (calkowicie zle slowo) that I 'was taking' (took) part in many 'programs' (popraw zle slowo) and 'trainings' (od kiedy to jest l. mnoga?) for guardians. 'In' (zle sloeo( brak przedimka) same time 'as a part of volunteering' (niepotr) I 'am giving' GAVE Mathematics and English lessons for 'kids' (children) from (a gdzie przedimek - i czy to jest udokumentowane kiedy, jaki wiek, wiwcej szczegolow) neighborhood. Through I always had many extra activities I always tried to make sure that I never neglectED my 'school works' (napisz to poprawnie). I 'think' (ty mozesz to tak myslec, ale nie przekonuj drugiej osoby, daj inne slowo) it shows that I am (a gdzie przedimek?) responsible person because I always meet (tu cos brak) obligations. I am (przedimek) very enthusiastic person. 'which helps me doing my work' (niepotr). I do not have problems with meeting new people, I am very 'social' (zle slowo) person.
The course I 'was studying' STUDIED in Poland 'was very interesting' (to jest opinia nie FAKT - musisz to udowodnic) and didactic. I 'had classes from' STUDIED General Psychology, Psychology of Human Development, Theory of Education and 'many other ones' (a np - ja mam tutaj zgadywac jakie, bo Tobie sie nie chce dokladnie napisac) connected with Education and child development. After (brak przedimka) first year I realized that studying Psychology would give me (przedimek) better opportunity to understand 'of' (niepotr) the reality 'that' (niepotr) surroundING me, help me to find solutions of many different problems, (tutaj cos jest nie tak, cos brak) capabilities and human development. I would like to deepen my knowledge about the human 'psychics,' (cos nie lubie tego slowo - zmien) personalities. I think THAT self-improvement and self-development are very important. ' as well in that kind of studies' (niepotr i jeszcze z bledami). Studying Psychology would give me an opportunity to understand social life and mechanisms operatING in 'there' (a dokladnie gdzie - bo nie piszesz.)
I am very excited about the opportunity (cos brak) studying in United Kingdom. I always had 'big' (nieladne slowo, tutaj trzeba 'academickich' slow) interest in different cultures. 'than mine' (niepotr). 'I know living in other country would give me big chance to improve my language skills' (ale przeciez nie aplikujesz na kurs jezyka angielskiego - ), make new friends and would let me to improve that I am independent person as well as I am very easy to work in groups.
In summary I am very enthusiastic about the opportunities this course will offer me. I believe that my previous experience and strong motivation and makes me a expedient candidate for this course.

Ja tutaj nie za bardzo widze, w jaki sposob moge polaczyc twoje 'volunteering' z tym kursem. Musisz to napisac tak, zeby ktos byl przekonany, a co ja widze, to jest to, ze chcesz sobie jezyk podszlifowac, chcialabys sie dowiedziec jak ludzie mysla. Niema nic o osiagnieciach ktore juz masz za soba, malo piszesz o Uni of Wroclaw i co Ci to dalo - i w jaki sposob to sie wszystko laczy.
Pomysl, ze oni czytaja tysiace takich listow i twoj musi byc wyjatkowy.
Sorki za ' wcinanie się w temat " ,ale ... would let me to improve ?? nie powinno być chyba tutaj 'to'
Cytat: Robbertoxx
Sorki za ' wcinanie się w temat " ,ale ... would let me to improve ?? nie powinno być chyba tutaj 'to'

tak masz racje, ale jeszcze calosc musi byc dobrze poprawiona
kamilatak8, poczytaj przykładowe PS w internecie. ja sugruję, żeby zmienić początek, bo wg mnie jest bardzo słaby. pisanie "chcę zaaplikować na kurs i oto informacje o mnie" jest
a) nudne
b) oklepane
c) tracisz cenne słowa na pisanie o tym, co jest oczywiste i niepotrzebne.

kilka źródeł:
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


Olimpiada języka angielskiego