Expressing dissatisfaction and regret - zadania.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, mam problem z rozwiązaniem dwóch zadań z zagadnienia "Expressing dissatisfaction and regret" i bardzo bym prosił o pomoc...

Oto zadania:
(1) Complete the sentences with a word which shows the real situation.
I wish I wasn't so shy but I [am].

1 I wish you did more to help me, but you [...].
2 I wish I could understand this message but I [...].
3 I wish he wasn't always so miserable, but he [...].
4 If only I had learned to swim when I was younger but I [...].
5 You should have gone to the meeting last night but you [...].
6 If only I didn't have so much work to do tonight but I [...].
7 I wish he would tell me why he's upset but he [...].

(2) Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets so that the meaning is the same as in the original sentences.
It's a shame I didn't have much time to spend with my family when I was younger. (wish)
I wish I had had more time to spend with my family when I was younger

1 It would be a good idea for me to phone the bank. (better)
2 I hate the way my friend bites his nails. (wish)
3 I'd love to be able to speak confidently in public. (could)
4 It wasn't very sensible for me to resign from my job. (have)
5 I don't believe it. We're having a party in one hour and you haven't done anything to help. (could)
co zrozumiales z rozwiazanego przykladu w zad. 1?

Nie oczekuj, ze ktos powazny odrobi zadanie za Ciebie.

Poczytaj o wish i trybach warunkowych
Ja to tak uzupełniłem, ale to na pewno źle...

1 I wish you did more to help me, but you haven't.
2 I wish I could understand this message but I didn't.
3 I wish he wasn't always so miserable, but he has.
4 If only I had learned to swim when I was younger but I didn't.
5 You should have gone to the meeting last night but you haven't.
6 If only I didn't have so much work to do tonight but I had.
7 I wish he would tell me why he's upset but he wasn't.

W drugim nawet nie wiem jak się zabrać.
nie zrozumiales rozwiazanego przykladu z zadania nr 1. Zacznij od przetlumaczenia tego przykladu na polski


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