Czy ktoś mógłby poprawić błędy gramatyczne?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Tak jw. Czy ktoś mógłby sprawdzić i ew. poprawić błędy gramatyczne?
Potrzebne mi jest tłumaczenie jednej z piosenek Disneya na ang.
W razie czego polski tekst jest dostępny tutaj:

Byłabym ogromnie wdzięczna za pomoc, możliwe że jeszcze wiele razy poproszę o coś takiego, mam nadzieję, że to nie podchodzi pod zaśmiecanie forum.

At 7 o'clock, when the day wakes up for good
I have to gather. Hundred of activities are waiting for me.
I'm cleaning, cooking, washing and doing laundry.
I'm sweeping dust and suddenly it's getting quarter past.

I want to read a book so I'm taking all the three
And [I want] to paint something - I dream about gallery.
I'm jerking with the wires. I'm going to bake a cake and
I'll wait till days change.

I'll frame something, throw and take [something] out of the oven.
Papier-mache, pirouette and mate for sure.
I'm molding vessels, being silent and making candles.
Here's a slope, here's a circle.
I climb upward, I like sewing.

There's no longer anything to read,
I know everything by heart
There's nowhere to paint,
I can't see white spots.
And then [have to plait my] hair in braids - till I have a strength.
For years in this tower's closed doors
I'm patiently waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting
Till days change.

As early as tomorrow it's the day of my birthday.
Twilight's going to shine with lights again
Somwhere far
I want to run there and I want to touch them.
I've finally grown up,
Maybe mom will let me go.

Dziękuję raz jeszcze :>


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie