Would you mind doing smth?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
31-35 z 35
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Thanks lads and gals,

I deem my query solved. You can proceed with your gramma dilemma or close the thread, I do not mind it.

Once again I do appreciate your help.

Cytat: savagerhino
If you knew how people speak on a daily basis, you wouldn't come out with this.

ok, if you have time, wipe the floor with me again and tell me why there is no 'have' betweetn the two underlined words :)
Cytat: zielonosiwy
Cytat: savagerhino
If you knew how people speak on a daily basis, you wouldn't come out with this.

ok, if you have time, wipe the floor with me again and tell me why there is no 'have' betweet the two underlined words :)

Ja tez mysle, ze 'have' powinno byc.
edytowany przez terri: 18 cze 2015
Cytat: executter15
Thanks lads and gals,

Just because we are the 'GRAMMA" police.
Przypominam, chociaz wiem, ze niektorzy to i tak to dobrze wiedza, ze mowi sie albo 'lads and lassies' albo 'guys and gals' - jedno jest BrE a drugie AmE...
Cytat: zielonosiwy
Cytat: savagerhino
If you knew how people speak on a daily basis, you wouldn't come out with this.

ok, if you have time, wipe the floor with me again and tell me why there is no 'have' betweetn the two underlined words :)

So this is your cherry on the cake? Hope you didn't pull an all-nighter on this:)

But ok, you got me there, tough guy, and yes, 'have' should be there
but I skipped it and I shouldn't have. And the answer is simple, nobody's perfect.
It actually takes a lot for some people to admit they're wrong, so I'm liberated, haha.

Back to this simple tense in since-clauses.
It's only common sense to take your blinders off and always keep such details in mind while taking a grammar test where you know it's always safer to stick to conventions if you want to squeak through with a straight A.
31-35 z 35
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