Prośba o sprawdzenie i korekte :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dostałem na zadanie opisać 8 wad i 8 zalet dwóch wybranych zawodów. Oto moje wypociny :) bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie i korektę jeśli są jakieś błędy.

Doctor be must ready to science. Communicotive from to staff and pati .Doctor bu must concentration with operation. And organization self job. Doctor can shaild be guidesd from to staff. He be must conscientidus and who can follow the lead professional secrecy. Doctor be must helpul.

Doctor be must resistant to stress with contact from patient. He be must undertake decision someone´s life. Doctor be must to exert effect to staff. Be must always disposable. He there is often tired. Doctor has not lange salary. And bad office.

Journalista has contact from to society. He take shave im gala. Learn celebrity ite has good salary. And transmission of information. Journalist a lot trakel. Getting taknd another culture. Learn foreign language.

Journalist be koreful for intrusive. Journalist be must run for sensation. He work stress. And he be in dangerous place. Life after a house. Journalist be must always ready to action.
tlumaczyles slowo w slowo wybierajac pierwsze znaczenia ze slownikow. przepisales z bledami.
nie wszystko sprawdziles w slownikach.
nie warto nawet tego poprawiac.
W każdym zdaniu jest po kilka błędów...
Dzięki za odpowiedź :-)


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