coordination: having/have been meaning

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Fragment wiadomości:

Nice to hear from you. I trust you have settled in and finding your way around the local area.
I have copies of all the xyz documents for you and having been meaning to post them through your letterbox when I have been out and about.

Nie jestem pewien czy to się nazywa coordination :), ale czy nie powinno być:

Nice to hear from you. I trust you have settled in and [I trust you have] found your way around the local area.
I have copies of all the xyz documents for you and
have been meaning to post them through your letterbox when I have been out and about.

Czy dobrze rozumuję? Wytłumaczycie, proszę?
1 zgadzam sie z twoja poprawką; to sie nazywa parallel structure
2 tutaj autor sie pomylil wstawiajac having, bo nijakiego sensu to nie ma
Dziekuje :)
w 1 mogloby byc takze 'are finding'

w kazdym razie oba zdania sa nie tego.
Zamorduję ich kiedyś.



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