prośba o sprawdzenie błędów

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
proszę o poprawki w wypracowaniu:
"Are you sure we will manage?" - Anna asked her friend Marek when they got out of their car. They were going to climbing St. Ilija, one of the Croatian summit. It was July, the sun was shining and every minute the air was getting hotter that day. "Of course" – Marek repleid – "It is not so far away. We will be back in two hours."
They set off with two bottles of water in their backpack and a great desire of admire the Croatian mountains. They was walking a narrow path surroundet by rocks. The sky was incredibly blu and the sun was getting higher. After one and half hour they reached the peak. They were tired, but happy. Then Marek decided to changed the itinerary and come back by different track. He wanted to see another beautiful place.
They walked down. It was greatly hot and the hours passed. At every turn, when they were sure it will be a village, appeared another hill and another turn. The path seemed to never end and their bottles were empty. They were both extremly thirsty and exhausted. Anna couldn't walked on his own. Then Marek stopped, raised his arms and screamed: "God, help!" Suddenly a water cart full of drinking water appeared on their way. They were resured.
The owner of water cart let them drink as much as they wanted. He explained them how to get to the nearest village. They filled their bottles and after half an hour of walk they were in the village. They decided to be more careful next time.
Mg, jesteś może? Bardzo proszę...
"Of course" – Marek repleid – "It is not so far away. We will be back in two hours."
Zamiast ,,repleid'' powinno być ,,replied'' bo przypuszczam że chodziło o ,,opowiedział''
"God, help!" Suddenly a water cart full of drinking water appeared on their way. They were resured.
Zamiast ,,resured'' powinno być ,,rescued'' przypuszczam że chodziło o ,,uratowany''
They was walking a narrow path surroundet by rocks.
Zamiast ,,surroundet'' powinno być ,,surrounded'' zapewne chodziło o ,,otoczony''
Więcej błędów nie widzę. Ale są to tylko drobne literówki. Myślę że ci choć troszkę pomogłam. Lecz proszę cię, nie sugeruj się mną w 100 % mogłam coś pominąć. Pozdrawiam.
w angielskim nie ma myślników przy cytowaniu
po going to bezokolicznik
jeden z chorwackiego szczytu
on that day
was nie po they
przedimek przed half
zdecydowal sie zmienił
przedimek przed track, i raczej along nie by
nie znam kolokacji greatly hot
nie moze byc will - nastepstwo czasow, a co to znaczy 'it'? zakręt mial byc wioska?
appeared uzyte w zlym miejscu - zly szyk
bardzo - ortogr.
couldn't walked - duzy blad
cart policzalny
explain to sbd
half an hour's walk
Are you sure we will manage / cope with?" - Anna asked her friend Marek when they got out of their the car. They were going to climbing climb St. Ilija mountain, one of the Croatian summit. It was July, the sun was shining and every minute the air was getting hotter that day. "Of course" – Marek repleid/ answered – "It is not so far away. We will be back in two hours."
They set off equipped with two bottles of water in their backpack and a great desire / hunger for amazing Croatian mountains views. They was / were walking a narrow path surroundet by rocks / rocky path. The sky was incredibly blu blue and the sun was getting higher / was rising. After one and half hour they reached the peak. They were tired, but happy. Then Marek decided to changed the itinerary /his mind and come back by different track/took other way. He wanted to see another beautiful place/ amazing landscapes.
They walked down / climbed down. It was greatly hot and the hours passed/ time passed quickly. At every turn, when they were sure / Every turn the took in hope it will be/ to see a village, appeared another hill and another turn another village or turn came out. The path seemed to never end / endless and their bottles were empty / run out with water. They were both extremly thirsty and exhausted. Anna couldn't walk on his her own. Then Marek stopped, raised his arms and screamed: "God, help!" Suddenly a water cart full of drinking water appeared on their way. Unexpectedly they spotted a man with cardboard of water on the path. They were resured. / saved
The owner of water cart/ The man let them drink as much as they wanted / shared a water with them / gave them some water and explained how to get to the nearest village. They filled their bottles and after half an hour of walk they were in / reached the village. They decided / promised to be more careful sensible/ foreseeing next time.
za słabo znasz angielski, żeby pomagać.
[to jest moja sugestia jak tekst powinien byc wg mnie]

Holy cow! Przeciez kazdy ma prawo pisac i sugerowac co chce no chybaze nie moze ? Przeciez my tu cwiczymy : pisanie i tlumaczenie(wszyscy!).

Jak ty sprawdzasz czyjs poziom: mowienia,pisania,czytania,sluchania przez forum ? Przy tych 4 gramatyka jest drugorzedna...choc wazna ale drugorzedna.[to jest moja opinia czesc ludzi tak uwaza a czesc nie tak bylo zawsze...]

"Are you sure we will make it?", Anna asked her friend Marek while she was getting out of their car.
They went there to climb St. Ilija, one of the Croatian mountain. It was July, the sun was shining and with every minute the air was getting hotter. Marek replied:" "Of course, it's not far. We'll be back in two hours." They had two bottles with water in their backpacks and great desire to see the Croatian mountains. They were walking through the narrow path surrounded by rocks.
The sky was incredibly blue and the sun was rising. After one and half hour they reached the top of the mountain. They were tired, but happy. Then Marek decided to change the itinerary and come back by different track. He wanted to see some other beautiful place. They came down the mountain. It was so hot and hours already passed. They were hoping to find a village but all they found turned to be just another hill or trail. The trail seemed to never end and their bottles were empty. They were both extremely thirsty and exhausted. Anna couldn't walk on her own. Then Marek stopped, raised his arms and shouted: "God, please help us!" Suddenly a water cart full of drinking water appeared before them. They were saved. The driver of the water cart let them drink as much as they wanted to. He told them how to get to the nearest village. They filled up their bottles with water and only half an hour later they arrived at the village. They both agreed to be more careful next time.
edytowany przez big.f00t: 06 lut 2017
Ja bym nie użył czasowników jak 'itinerary' albo 'climb' w kontekście tej pracy.
itinerary:a detailed plan or route of a journey:(rzeczownik) z tym itinerary nie wiem czy nie jest zbyt profesjonalnie ale i tak nie bedzie zle.climb: to use your legs, or your legs and hands, to go up or onto the top of something:(CZEMU NIE?)

Terri wyjezdza do mnie caly czas ,ze uwazam sie za eksperta.(z jakiegos powodu)
Mg Pozamiatal wszystkich jedna szczotka ze nie powinni sie wypowiadac bo sa za slabi.
Dla ciebie Aaric wazniejsze jest ze wybralbys lepsze slownictwo zamiast poprostu napisac te zdania poprawnie/lepiej/czy jak uwazasz.

Ang. nie wymaga zadnego specjalnego wkladu intelektualnego czas i otoczenie gra role. nie wiem jak mozna tego uzywac zeby podbudowac swoje ego.
Kiedy ma sie wlasciwie cos do powiedzenia- to to jest intelekt umiejetnosc mowienia po ang. to umiejetnosc(mowienie,czytanie,sluchanie,pisanie,gramatyka to nie rocket science)
edytowany przez big.f00t: 06 lut 2017
Holy cow! Przeciez kazdy ma prawo pisac i sugerowac co chce no chybaze nie moze ? Przeciez my tu cwiczymy : pisanie i tlumaczenie(wszyscy!).

tak, zwlaszcza Tobie sie wydaje, ze mozesz pisac, co chcesz.

Jezeli ktos poprawia, to nie moze robic takich bledow jak zozola.

Swoje poprawki tez przejrzyj: mountain, went, already
After one and half hour they reached the peak. hourS
A)nie podoba sie wolnosc slowa? To wyjedz z tego kraju! (jestesmy oswieconymi ludzmi - chodz malo nas zostalo)

B) Kazdy MUSI polelniac bledy, nie da sie niczego nauczyc nie popelniajac bledow - to jest kluczowe.(moglbym tu piusac dlugo...)

C) Ja nie wyrazilem zgody na relacje miedzy Toba a mna typu TY(nauczyciel) JA(uczen).Narzucasz swoja retoryke - patronizujac mnie. Jestem wdzieczny jak ktos podsowa mi dobre rady, poprawia moje bledy , uczy mnie nowych rzeczy. Nie jestem wdzieczny gdy ktos nie poprawia moich bledow, nie daje mi dobrych rad i nie uczyt niczego. Nie rozumiem dlaczego mam byc wdzieczny komus za : niepoprawianie bledow, nie dawanie mi dobrych rad i nie ucszenie mnie niczego ?

a) Nie wiem kim jestes. Nie przedstawiles sie Mi. Nie ma nawet twojego zdjecia.
b) Nie wiadomo jaki masz poziom angielskiego (poniewaz 90% twoich postow sa po polsku).

Jezeli chcesz zebym byl twoim uczniem z jakiegos powodu... co tez jest dziwne. Uczen powinien szukac nauczyciela nie nauzyciel ucznia :D heheheheh (zen)
edytowany przez big.f00t: 06 lut 2017
After one and half hour they reached the peak. hourS nie wiedzialem ze godz + pol godziny (liczy sie jako 2 obiekt) czyli bedzie plural. Native english speakers ... nigdy nie popelnia takiego bledu to z innego forum... omg ... give me a brake. Nie widze sensu ukrywania faktu ,ze jest sie NON-nativem :D. Bycie Nativem czy Brytyjczykiem czy Amerykaninem ... to nie jest jest tylko przestrzen geograficzna na ktorej nauczyles sie(nieswiadomie) jezyka ludnosci zamieszkujacej dany teren ... hehehehehehe.
edytowany przez big.f00t: 06 lut 2017
Cytat: mg
za słabo znasz angielski, żeby pomagać.

Być może... cały czas się uczę To tylko sugestia, moje spojrzenie na ten tekst. Kosztowało mnie to trochę czasu więc jak krytykować to konstruktywnie
Are you sure we will cope with?" - niepelne pytanie, brak dopelknienia, poza tym manage jest lepszym czasownikiem

"It is not so far away. - skreslilas potrzebne slowo

They set off equipped with two bottles of water in their backpack and a great desire / hunger NIE PRZESADZAJ, TO PRETENSJONALNE SLOWNICTWO
for amazing Croatian mountains PRZYDAWKA OGOLNIE NIE MOZE BYC W LICZBIE MNOGIEJ views.
narrow path surroundet by rocks / rocky path. - ZMIENILAS ZNACZENIE

the sun was getting higher / was rising. - WSCHODZILO?


He wanted to see another beautiful place/ amazing landscapes. - LICZBA MNOGA PO ANOTHER TO BLAD
They walked down / climbed down. - NIE, ZESZLI NA NOGACH
At every turn, when they were sure / Every turn the took in hope it will be/ to see a village, PO HOPE W TEJ KONSTRUKCJI JEST OF + GERUND appeared another hill and another turn another village or turn came out. NIEGRAMATYCZNE ZE WZGLEDU NA BRAK PRZYIMKA PRZED EVERY TURN
u]their bottles were empty[/u] / run out with water. = WYBIEGAJĄ Z WODĄ

Suddenly a water cart full of drinking water appeared on their way. Unexpectedly they spotted a man with cardboard of water on the path. - Z TEKTURĄ WODY?

The owner of water cart/ The man let them drink as much as they wanted / shared a water with them / - water jest niepoliczalne i wersja z share znaczy co innego niz wersja oryginalna

careful sensible/ foreseeing next time. - foreseeing zle
Cytat: mg
Are you sure we will cope with?" - niepelne pytanie, brak dopelknienia, poza tym manage jest lepszym czasownikiem

"It is not so far away. - skreslilas potrzebne slowo

They set off equipped with two bottles of water in their backpack and a great desire / hunger NIE PRZESADZAJ, TO PRETENSJONALNE SLOWNICTWO
for amazing Croatian mountains PRZYDAWKA OGOLNIE NIE MOZE BYC W LICZBIE MNOGIEJ views.
narrow path surroundet by rocks / rocky path. - ZMIENILAS ZNACZENIE

the sun was getting higher / was rising. - WSCHODZILO?


He wanted to see another beautiful place/ amazing landscapes. - LICZBA MNOGA PO ANOTHER TO BLAD
They walked down / climbed down. - NIE, ZESZLI NA NOGACH
At every turn, when they were sure / Every turn the took in hope it will be/ to see a village, PO HOPE W TEJ KONSTRUKCJI JEST OF + GERUND appeared another hill and another turn another village or turn came out. NIEGRAMATYCZNE ZE WZGLEDU NA BRAK PRZYIMKA PRZED EVERY TURN
u]their bottles were empty[/u] / run out with water. = WYBIEGAJĄ Z WODĄ

Suddenly a water cart full of drinking water appeared on their way. Unexpectedly they spotted a man with cardboard of water on the path. - Z TEKTURĄ WODY?

The owner of water cart/ The man let them drink as much as they wanted / shared a water with them / - water jest niepoliczalne i wersja z share znaczy co innego niz wersja oryginalna

careful sensible/ foreseeing next time. - foreseeing zle

Super! I o to chodziło. Dzięki temu wiem nad czym pracować. Dzięki za Twój wkład pracy.
edytowany przez zozola1200: 06 lut 2017
Holy cow! (nie wiem jak zaczac...odpale papierosa)
Poprawienie tego txt w notatniku zajelo mi tak z 7 min max. (@zozola1200:tlumacz cale zdania,nie kawalki).
Holy cow hehehehe

Mam jedno pytanie: Czy zawod nauczyciela to jest / byla twoja profesja ? Gdzie wytrenowales sie jako nauczyciel ?
>>>Terri wyjezdza do mnie caly czas ,ze uwazam sie za eksperta.(z jakiegos powodu)
prosze zacytowac chociaz jeden post gdzie tak uwazalam....

Kochany, powiem cos (bo wczoraj akurat mialam dodatek energii, wtajemniczoni wiedza o czym mowa).
Ty zyles i pracowales w UK tylko przez 10 lat (na tyle sie przyznajesz), ale ja wiecej. No i ja znam sie na ang. Napewno dawno juz zapomnialam wszystko to czego ty jeszcze w zyciu nie miales mozliwosci sie nauczyc.
Wiem, ze starasz sie pomagac, ale badz na tyle mily, zeby swoje slabe strony tez rozpoznawac.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.