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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Rewrite these sentences using an appropriate modal form to replace the words in italics.

1. It is not necessary for you to wear a suit. Their company culture is quite informal.
You don't have to wear a suit.

2. You are not allowed to drive without your seat belt on.
You mustn't to drive without your seat belt on.

3. If you are invited for dinner, it is a good idea if you buy your hosts some flowers.
If you are invited for dinner, you should buy your hosts some flowers.

4. In many countries, it is not good to point your finger at people.
In many countries, you shouldn't point your finger at people.

5. Although I know them all very well, I am obliged to address my colleagues by their surname.
Although I know them all very well, I must address my colleagues by their surname.

6. It is essential for all visitors to wear their name badge at all times.
You have to for all visitors to wear their name badge at all times.

7. Is it necessary for me to buy my hosts an expensive gift?
Do you have to for me to buy my hosts an expensive gift?

8. In Canada, smoking is prohibited in most public spaces.
In Canada, you mustn't smoking in most public spaces.
1. ok
2. You mustn't to drive without your seat belt on....Co napisalas to 'You must not to drive...pomysl o tym
3. ok
4. ok
5. ok
6. You have to for all visitors to wear their name badge at all jest zle. Tutaj chodzi o to, ze to 'visitors' cos tam musza, a ty napisalas ze to 'you cos musi.
7. Do you have to for me to buy my hosts an expensive gift?...tutaj chodzi o to, ze to 'ty' musisz cos kupic, pomysl.
8. In Canada, you mustn't 'smoking' in most public spaces. ...Pomysl o tym slowie, jak sie mowi...ty nie mozesz sm....
2. - przyznam że nie wiem jak to poprawić, wydaje mi sie że oba zdania znaczą to samo, chyba że zmienić to na zdanie " You must drive with your seat belt" lub zamiast must dać should...

6. All visitors have to wear their name badge at all times.
7. Do I have to buy for my hosts an expensive gift?
8. In Canada, you mustn't smoke in most public spaces.
2 po prostu bez 'to' po 'must'
6 ok
7 a w zdaniu wyjsciowym masz tam gdzies 'for'?
8 ok
2. - rozumiem, z rozpędu napisałam "to"
7. Do I have to buy my hosts an expensive gift?
- nie ma w zdaniu wyjściowym "for" - myślałam że lepiej bedzie to pasować


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