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I think it's worth to read books. First of all, you can to diversify your vocabulary. When you read a lot of books your utterances will be more interesting and difficult words stopping to be your nuisance. Secondly, books are wonderful source of knowledge. You can find there the answers on various, bother questions. For example, if you want to know how to write around word you can just to open spell checker. Additionally, books develop your imagination. During reading your brain is forced to imagine a situation which presently is the hero of the story. The boundaries of your imagination will become much bigger. Books created your character too, because picture which traits will be valuable for you in your future. Eventually when you reading you can spend free time in an enjoyable way. If you bored, you can to read some book and feel better then. In short,books help you to become better human so it's worth to read them.
I think it's worth to read ZLA FORMA CZASOWNIKA PO WORTH books. First of all, you can to HEJ, JAK SIE UZYWA CZASOWNIKOW PO 'CAN'? diversify your vocabulary. When you read a lot of books your utterances will be more interesting and difficult words stopping ZLA FORMA CZASOWNIKA, UZYJ ODPOWIEDNIEGO CZASU to be your nuisance. Secondly, books are KONIECZNY PRZEDIMEK wonderful source of knowledge. You can find there the answers on ZLY PRZYIMEK, TO NIE JEST POLSKI various, bother questions. For example, if you want to know how to write around 1. NIE ROZUMIEM, CO CHCESZ PISAC NAOKOLO SLOWA? 2. PRZEDIMEK PRZED TYM SLOWEM word you can just to ZNOWU PODSTAWOWY BLAD PO 'CAN' open ODPOWIEDNI PRZEDIMEK spell checker JAK CZYTASZ KSIAZKE, TO MASZ PROGRAM DO SPRAWDZANIA ORTOGRAFII?. Additionally, books develop your imagination. During reading your brain is forced to imagine a situation which presently is SYTUACJA, KTORA OBECNIE JEST BOHATEREM? the hero of the story. The boundaries of your imagination will become much bigger. Books created CZAS PRZESZLY? your character too, because CHYBA BRAK PODMIOTU picture which traits will be valuable for you in your future. Eventually when you reading ZLA FORMA CZASOWNIKA, PODSTAWOWY BLAD you can spend YOUR free time in an enjoyable way. If you bored = JEZELI ZNUDZILES, you can to HEJ!!! read some book and feel better then. In short,books help you to become PRZEDIMEK better human so it's worth TU TEZ POPRAW to read them.

ok, napisane z sensem, ale za niektore bledy gramatyczne stracisz duzo punktow.


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