przetlumacz sama, sprawdzimy
nie uzywaj translatora, wysmiejemy
15 maj 2017
Yes! You're right. I'm not perfect but everyday I work hard on my body. When I see minimal effects I'm happy because I know how much it costs me. Now you can laugh but only when you are working on your silhouette that's heavier than me.
15 maj 2017
Silhouette to coś innego, blisko outline. Sylwetka w sensie, o którym piszesz, to body shape.
that's heavier than me = ktora jest ciezsza ode mnie
16 maj 2017
Yes! You're right. I'm not perfect but every day I work hard on my body. When I see minimal effects I'm happy because I know how much it costs me. Now you can laugh but only when you are working on your body shape that's harder than me.
Now you can laugh but only when you are working on your body shape that's harder than me.
Ja bym chciał zobaczyć zdanie z którego to było tłumaczone ;)))
kategoria: Nauka języka angielskiego / forum: Pomoc językowa