
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie tłumaczenia dialogu
B: Hej! Miło cię widzieć.
A: Dawno się nie widzieliśmy. Może wyskoczymy dziś wieczorem do kina? Grają świetny horror.
B: Idealny pomysł, chętnie pójdę do kina ale strasznie boję się horrorów. Mam przez nie koszmary. A co powiesz na film biograficzny?
A: Film biograficzny? Nudy, a może komedia romantyczna? Widziałam o niej mnóstwo pozytywnych komentarzy.
B: Super, uwielbiam komedie, można się wzruszyć i trochę pośmiać.
A: W takim razie zarezerwuje nam miejsca. Spotkajmy się o 19:00 koło manufaktury.
B: Okej, do zobaczenia.

B:Hi! Nice to see you.
A: We didn’t see each other for so long time. Do you fancy going to the cinema tonight? I have heard that they are playing a great horror movies.
B: Good idea, I will gladly go to the cinema with you, but I'm afraid of horror movies. I have nightmares because of them. We can go to the biographical film.
A: Biographical film? Boredom. Maybe a new romantic comedy? I have seen a lot of positive comments about it.
B: Great, I like romantic comedies. They can move you to tears but also you will laugh a lot.
A: In that case, I will reserve places for us. Let's meet at 19:00 in front of Manufactura.
B: Okey, see you tonight.
A: Bye.
A: We didn’t see each other for so long time. Do you fancy going to the cinema tonight? I have heard that they are playing a great horror movies.
B: Good idea, I will gladly go to the cinema with you, but I'm afraid of horror movies. I have nightmares because of them. We can go to SEE the biographical np biography film.
A: Biographical film? Boredom -ing. Maybe a new romantic comedy? I have seen a lot of positive comments about it.
B: Great, I like romantic comedies. They can move you to tears but also you will laugh a lot.
A: In that case, I will reserve places for us. NIE WIEM CO TO ZNACZY. Let's meet at 19:00 in front of Manufactura.
B: Okey, see you tonight THEN.
edytowany przez Aaric: 16 cze 2018
Let's meet at 19:00 np 7 lub 7 o'clock.

that's boring
I will reserve places for us.

I'll get the tickets

Te Twoje dialogi maja byc nieformalne, miedzy kolegami, a mowia oni jakby polkneli jakis stary podrecznik do ang.:)))


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