
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
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A: Hi! Do you remember that Dominik has a birthday soon?
B: I forgot about it.
A: I would like to organize a party for him that he will remember for a long time.
B: Great idea, what are your plans?
A: I’m going to take him to a restaurant where all the friends will be and when Dominik comes in, everyone screams “Happy birthday”.
B: Great, he will be surprised for sure. Maybe I will bake a cake? I'm the best at it.
A: Sure, I was just ask you about it. I will book a hall and catering. Additionally, I will buy balloons and other accessories to make this party funny.
B: Okay, can I help you somehow yet?
A: You can go to the store with me for some small gift for him, if you like.
B: With pleasure.
shouts jest lepsze niz screams
I was just ask - zgubiles kilka slow
a hall - jakis przedpokoj zarezerwujesz/
jak idziesz do restauracji, to masz catering na miejscu, nie muisz niczego rezerwowac. Byles w restauracji?
zdanie z somehow brzmi dziwnie. Lepiej: czy moge cos jeszcze zrobic, zeby ci pomoc
Dlaczego nie 'hall'? Jest ich pełno w UK. Google "Halls for hire"
edytowany przez Aaric: 16 cze 2018
would like to organize a party for him

throw him a party
other accessories

brzmi sztywno, to jest dialog miedzy kumplami - other decorations