Pomoc w weryfikacji poprawności maila z aplikacją do pracy.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dear Employer,

I am very interested in applying for the Java Starter Kit program. My experience and qualifications match your specifications almost exactly.

Please take a moment to review my attached Up-To-Date Resume.

I am always enthusiastic to learn and undertake new challenges. I took a part in several programming contests (for example: Olimpiada Informatyczna, MWPZ, Wielka przesmycka), so that taught me a lot about algorithms and time complexity.

I deeply believe that my engineering background, desire to further professional development and learn new technologies will contribute for the growth of your company.
It would be a sincere pleasure to hear back from you about opportunity to take a part in technical and language tests.


Za wszelką pomoc w sprawdzeniu poprawności będę bardzo wdzięczny.
Marcin :)
to further my professional....
contribute to...
hear back from
the opportunity
to take a part in technical and language tests.
to nie jest zgrabne
mam watpliwosci co do tego : Olimpiada Informatyczna, MWPZ, Wielka przesmycka)
np, match your requirements
I took a part in several

I was in several
applying for the Java Starter Kit program

Ale co z tym programem? specialist?
My experience and qualifications match your specifications almost exactly.

I am writing this letter to apply for...... as my qualifications as well as my experience meet your requirements for this position.
po co almost?
so that taught me

and learned a lot about...
Up-To-Date Resume. 'up to date' it's a given. Every resume you present to an employer must be updated. I'd leave out. And what's with the capitals? ;)))
edytowany przez Aaric: 04 lis 2018
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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