Wady i zalety życia w mieście

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
In the recent years, people had been moving out to the cities. One of the many reason is the need for better earnings. So there are the questions: Where better to live: in the city or in the village? What are advantages and disadvantages of live in the city?
First of all, for many number of people, live in the city may seem burdensome. There is an air pollution in the city, because a lot of car produces different types of exhaust. Effect of that, for example the Chinese use to masks air-purifiers. The second disadvantages is the loud surroundings. In our house despite the window will be close or our wall will be soundproofed, there is louder that in the village. In conclusion, the real estate is very expensive to buy. If we buy the flat, we will pay five times more than in the village.
On the other hand, live in the city can be nice too. We can move quickly and efficiently. There are bus, taxi, metro, tram and train in the city. So we do not have to use a car and stop in the traffic. Another positive is that we can enjoy a lot of entertain like: cinema, theater, museums, shopping centre, amusement park and other. Undoubtedly, important argue is that we can easier find a job. There is a lot of company, so we do not have to look far away.
There is no doubt that the live in the city have advantages and disadvantages. In spite of all the disadvantages I would like to live in the city. I can enjoy many activities and I do not have to go far to buy something. That is really a big advantages.
Umiał by mi to ktoś sprawdzić i pokazać błędy?
In 'the' (niepotr) recent years, people had been moving out to the cities. One of the many 'reason' (nie, tutaj l. mnoga) is the need for better earnings. So there are the questions: Where (tu brakuje czasownika) better to live: in the city or in the 'village' (mozna napisac 'country') ? What are advantages and disadvantages of 'live' (zle, tutaj 'living') in the city?
First of all, for many 'number of' (niepotr) people, 'live' (tutaj masz czasownik ale myslisz o rzeczowniku, to jego napisz) in the city may seem burdensome. There is 'an' (niepotr) air pollution in the city, because a lot of 'car produces' (nie, tutaj l. mnoga od 'car' dlatego, ze mowisz 'a lot of', pamietaj o zmnianie czasownika) different types of exhaust. (daj przedimek) effect of that (tu brakuje cos, daj 2 slowa) , for example the Chinese use 'to masks air-purifiers' (tego nie rozumiem, za bardzo po polsku). The second 'disadvantages' (tu l. poj) is the loud surroundings. In our house despite the 'window' (lepiej l. mn) 'will' (nirepotr) 'be' (zle slowo, tutaj myslisz o 'being') 'close' (nie, tutaj simple past) or our wall 'will' (niepotr) 'be' (being) soundproofed, there is louder (ale co? musisz napisac, albo zmien 'there' a cos innego) 'that' (nie, myslales o 'than') in the village. In conclusion, the real estate is very expensive to buy (ale gdzie? nie jest jasno napisane). If we buy 'the' (tutaj wg mnie wystarczy 'a') flat, we will pay five times more than in the village.
On the other hand, 'live' (tutaj daj rzeczownik) in the city can be nice too.
Another positive (tutaj mozesz dodac slowo 'aspect, point') is that we can enjoy a lot of 'entertain' (tutaj daj rzeczownik) like: cinema, 'theater' (theatre in BrE), museums, shopping 'centre' (daj l. mn), amusement park and other (ale co? moze parks?). Undoubtedly, (tu cos brakuje) important 'argue' (daj tutaj rzeczownik) is that we can 'easier' (zla czesc mowy) find a job. There 'is' (tutaj l. mn) a lot of 'company' (daj l. mn), so we do not have to look far away.
There is no doubt that 'the' (niepotr) 'live' (daj rzeczownik) in the city 'have' (nie, tutaj masz l. poj to poj) advantages and disadvantages.
That is really a big 'advantages' (l. poj)
Osobiście, ja bym ominął out w pierwszym zdaniu.
ja tez. Nie zauwazylam tego. Przypomina mi sie stara piosenka...out in the country....
Myślę też, że lepiej jest mieszkać w wielkim mieście, ponieważ masz wielkie możliwości otwarte)
Wszystko zalezy od tego co oczekujesz z zycia albo ile jeszcze zycia ci zostalo.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.