Rzeczowniki które mogą być policzalne i niepoliczalne w zależności od kontekstu.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Ostatnio gdy uczyłam się słówek zaczęłam zastanawiać się czemu przy niektórych rzeczownikach jest napisane ,,countable and uncountable". W słowniku w legendzie przeczytałam że są to rzeczowniki które mogą być zarówno policzalne i niepoliczalne w zależności od kontekstu. Ale jak ja mam właśnie się dowiedzieć kiedy będzie policzalne albo niepoliczalne np. słowo currency
np tu:
Cytat: Martaxxas
Ale jak ja mam właśnie się dowiedzieć kiedy będzie policzalne albo niepoliczalne np. słowo currency

You are asking a fundamental question.

To start, first ask yourself (or your English teacher) what dog, non-answer, and chair mean or name in…
...a lovely species of dog
...a sort of non-answer
...a new kind of chair

I suspect you think that dog and chair and non-answer are countable and as such require their "a's". Why then are they used here without any articles?

Do not let your teacher get away with a non-answer like "in phrases such as a sort/kind/species/genre… of X we do not put "a" before the singular noun X.
If she tries that, ask again: OK, ma'am, but why?
If you do not get a convincing response, try this forum again.
"in phrases such as a sort/kind/species/genre… of X we do not put "a" before the singular noun X.

And that's a good explanation. The countable/uncountable discussion is irrelevant here: what matters is that we do not put the article before the noun in those particular phrases. And we have many of them, e.g. in town. Is town uncountable here? Probably, but who cares? Why even mention it? You will just confuse your students and they will start writing things like I like dog. Oh well, Mr Janski did mumble something about dog being uncountable. Maybe Mr Janski should've known better than to say that. Maybe, just maybe, Mr Janski is an old crank and an ass.

OK, ma'am, but why?

No-one addresses their teacher like that these days. You should go out more (or maybe learn some more English)?
Cytat: zaskroniec
"in phrases such as a sort/kind/species/genre… of X we do not put "a" before the singular noun X.

And that's a good explanation. The countable/uncountable discussion is irrelevant here: what matters is that we do not put the article before the noun in those particular phrases. And we have many of them, e.g. in town. Is town uncountable here? Probably, but who cares? Why even mention it? You will just confuse your students and they will start writing things like I like dog. Oh well, Mr Janski did mumble something about dog being uncountable. Maybe Mr Janski should've known better than to say that. Maybe, just maybe, Mr Janski is an old crank and an ass.

OK, ma'am, but why?

No-one addresses their teacher like that these days. You should go out more (or maybe learn some more English)?

A simple question like "why" calls for an answer. The lousiest is "the answer is irrelevant." "I do not know" deserves respect. Your effort in typing does not.

What's wrong with "ma'am"? Try addressing you English teacher this way, and--who knows--you might get something from her.

Now get lost.
If you do not get a convincing response, try this forum again.

What did your ma'am say?
Z tym 'Ma...m' to jest ciekawe. Kidy mam przyjemnosc dzwonic do mojego banku w UK to zawsze lacze sie z India. Tam kazdy mezczyzna zwraca sie do mnie 'Ma..m' i to wyglada bardzo dziwnie. Dlaczego nie przez nazwisko. Mrs X? Tak samo w szkole, do nauczycieli mowimy przez Miss/Mrs X.
What did your ma'am say?
ma'am has been away until nightfall :) Yet this was already meant for a little while .No offence intended , I'm just only having a bad sense of humour . Rightly had I been lashed out at doing this , nevertheless vast majority amongst so -called dedicated friends of mine had got used to .
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 15 sie 2019
Tak samo w szkole, do nauczycieli mowimy przez Miss/Mrs X.

Pełna zgoda, terri.


Proszę sobie nie robić podśmiechujek z pana Janskiego. Każdy ma prawo czegoś nie wiedzieć.
>>>>Proszę sobie nie robić podśmiechujek z pana Janskiego. Każdy ma prawo czegoś nie wiedzieć.
Ha bloody ha. :-)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.