traditionally speaking

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy możecie mi proszę pomóc z tym zdaniem, a szczególnie z tym pogrubionym zwrotem?

The problem lies in that marketing agencies’ expertise in the promotion or communications side of marketing function does not allow them to impact the other components of, traditionally speaking, the marketing mix i.e. price, place and product.

Tak, zdanie jest stilted ale nie umiem napisać inaczej :)

Co do traditionally speaking, chodzi mi o to, że w literaturze marketingowej tradycyjnie mówiło się o czterech komponentach marketingu tj. Price, Promotion (or Communications), Place i Product. Dziś patrzy się na to z szerszej perspektywy, ale nie wszyscy w branży o tym wiedzą.

Skoro te zdanie będzie użyte w formie pisemnej, czy mogę użyć zwrotu traditionally speaking? Myślałem żeby zastąpić je czymś w stylu "w ramach tradycyjnego ujęcia" ale nie wiem jak to napisać. Czy możecie coś podpowiedzieć, proszę?

I czy traditionally speaking powinien być przed czy po the:
the other components of, traditionally speaking, the marketing mix
the other components of the, traditionally speaking, marketing mix
np. of what has traditionally been called

ale mam wrazenie, ze wstawienie traditionally wskazuje, ze marketing mix ma trzy skladniki, a nie cztery.

mozna tez probowac cos w rodzaju 'of the marketing mix, as it is traditionally called,
Cytat: mg
ale mam wrazenie, ze wstawienie traditionally wskazuje, ze marketing mix ma trzy skladniki, a nie cztery.

Rzeczywiście. Dobra uwaga. Dziękuję :)
The problem is that marketing agencies promote unpromotables and do not present the traditional tradeoffs between price and quality to prospective customers
Tak, zdanie jest stilted ale nie umiem napisać inaczej :)

Stilted is a meaningful word.
Stilted is not the right word to describe what you wrote. What you wrote is gibberish.
Cytat: Janski
The problem is that marketing agencies promote unpromotables and do not present the traditional tradeoffs between price and quality to prospective customers

It is the second time you have miserably failed in a business related topic.
It is the second time you have miserably failed in a business related topic.

It is the second time you failed.
... said Janski, the grammar hillbilly.
Cytat: Janski
It is the second time you failed.

zabawne, ze temat tyczy sie 'traditionally speaking', a ty tu wydales oswiadczenie, jakoby perfect byl tutaj zbedny, lub nawet niepoprawny, co jest oczywistym 'faux pas' z twojej strony
Zabawne, ze temat tyczy sie 'traditionally speaking'...

No, the topic is not that. The topic is writting gibberish.

...a Ty tu wydales oswiadczenie, jakoby perfect byl tutaj zbedny, lub nawet niepoprawny...

I did? Where? Traditionally speaking is a participial phrase and is not finite by any stretch of imagination)

.… co jest oczywistym 'faux pas' z Twojej strony.

Faux pas? Faux pas belongs to the domain of manners or etiquette.
You have just graduated to the list. I bet it will grow as we go along.
Zabawne, ze temat tyczy sie 'traditionally speaking'...

'Tyczyc' w tym znaczeniu to czasownik zwrotny i zawsze musi mieć 'się'.
Zabawne, nie mówisz po polsku, ale jednak masz typową dla Polaków cechę -- "Nie znam się, to się wypowiem."
edytowany przez zaskroniec: 18 sie 2019
Those Saturday afternoons when uncountability is all there is on planet Janski.
Cytat: Janski
You have just graduated to the list. I bet it will grow as we go along.

I should feel honoured then.
Now the list have swollen - due to my participation in this thread, to an extent - you might as well explain the usage behind that peculiar use of yours concerning the utilization of the past simple tense in place of the present perfect, as some readers of this thread I am certain could now be baffled a bit. I'd be more than happy to genuinely express my appreciation for doing so, as I'm curious as well.
The Janski’s list :)
Can we see it?

Tell us, do you memorise the names by repeating them before you go to bed and when you get up you read the names out loud and aroused you look in the mirror and grin at the thought of the dualism: Janski and the world of stupidity?

We can only wonder why you spend so much time with and energy on the people from your list here as you should want to distance yourself from us.

Cytat: engee30
temat tyczy sie 'traditionally speaking'

Cytat: Janski
No, the topic is not that. The topic is writting gibberish.

Wrong. The topic is exactly about the phrase. Did you mention logic among the other competencies that you boasted about?
Cytat: labtes
The Janski’s list :)

looks Labtes like you'll need to make a list of your own, I'm afraid :D

before the mighty spit by Janski spills over the thread again, let me do the honour, shall I:
it's either the Janski list or Janski's list, as you don't ever blend the two together - the and the genitive
hehe dziękuję. Korekty szczególnie w takim kontekście na pewno zapamiętam.

Obawiam się, że ocalając mnie poświęciłeś siebie. Tylko czekać na Janskiego krytykę Ciebie :)
I may sound masochistic, but what the heck, bring it on, I like the strain :P
Tell us, do you memorise the names by repeating them before you go

Janski's like Arya?
>>>I may sound masochistic, but what the heck, bring it on, I like the strain
As the actress said to the bishop.......
Cytat: zaskroniec
Janski's like Arya?

I have the feeling that I am first on his list. If I ever disappear from this forum you all need to run away.
Cytat: labtes
I have the feeling that I am first on his list. If I ever disappear from this forum you all need to run away.

You don't measure up.
Cytat: engee30
I may sound masochistic, but what the heck, bring it on, I like the strain :P

You comma-splice.
Cytat: mg
Those Saturday afternoons when uncountability is all there is on planet Janski.

It should be your planet, sir or madam, whichever preference you subscribe to. There are two issues that the Poles are genetically unable to master when it comes to learning English: darn articles and the present perfect versus the simple past tense. Mind you, you are one of them.
Cytat: Janski
It should be your planet, sir or madam, whichever preference you subscribe to. There are two issues that the Poles are genetically unable to master when it comes to learning English: darn articles and the present perfect versus the simple past tense. Mind you, you are one of them.

Your anaphora sucks.
You're quite an issue, mg.
It should be your planet, sir or madam, whichever preference you subscribe to. There are two issues that the Poles are genetically unable to master when it comes to learning English: darn articles and the present perfect versus the simple past tense. Mind you, you are one of them.

@ Janski...

* 'darned articles'

* 'present perfect simple versus the past simple'

* to say that ALL Poles are 'genetically unable' to do something is outrageous

* the recipient of your abuse is one of what?

Hope that helps :)
Mind you, you are one of them.


Ah! Maybe a Pole?

Doesn't work...too far from the 'Poles' reference. The way you've written it suggests that the 'you' is either the confusion arising when considering the present perfect/past simple, or a darned article.

Hard to be sure about anything. It is THAT badly written.

Hope that helps!
It's funny how Janski kept calling others asses and now he got his handed to him on a plate.
@ zaskroniec, and Janski...

When I was about 14, I got myself into some trouble at school. I can't remember what I'd done, but I very well remember what the deputy headmaster said to me. He sat at his desk, looking me straight in the eyes. He was a mean dude, believe me. He wasn't very popular. We feared him.

I very well remember his asking me why I'd done what I had done. I recall now that I'd probably been publicly nasty to another pupil...sarcastic....using the feeble technique of humiliation.

I replied that 'it was just a joke, sir'.

Get this! What he said to me! It changed the way I thought, the way I lived, the way I connected with others! He said, as his steely-grey eyes melted my legs:


It's impossible to argue with that!

I am eternally grateful to that wise man!

Now just chill, all of you, and get on with your studies. The future is coming, and you need to prepare yourselves well.

.Now just chill, all of you, and get on with your studies. The future is coming, and you need to prepare yourselves well.

Might be a little bit too late for Janski, I am afraid.

Anyway, thank you for the advice, sir. You're a gentleman and a scholar.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.