
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Opisałem moje zainteresowania w języku angielskim ale nie wiem czy dobrze to wygląda pod względem gramatycznym. Do opisu zainteresowań lepiej użyć czasu Present Simple czy Present Continuous?

I interested in history and politics. I like reading articles and watching movies in these areas. I also interested in sport, in particular I love play football with friends and I like watch matches on TV. I support my favorite team from England – Arsenal Londyn. I like ride on a bike and listen to music. I love watching thrillers. Sometimes I like play on the computer with friends.
verb-ing - emphasis on the experience/action
to-infinitive - a habit or preference

I ___ interested in history and politics.
I like reading articles and watching movies in these areas np related to these topics.
I ___ also interested in sportS, in particular I love ___ play football with friends and I like ___watch matches on TV.
I support my favorite team from England – Arsenal Londyn. LONDON
I like ___ ride on a bike and listen to music. Zgub jedno słowo.
I love watching thrillers.
Sometimes I like ___ play on the computer with friends. np play COMPUTER GAMES
edytowany przez Aaric: 09 wrz 2019
I am interested in history and politics.
I like reading articles and watching movies related to these topics.
I am also interested in sports, in particular I love playing football with friends and I like watching matches on TV.
I support my favorite team from England – Arsenal LONDON
I like riding a bike and listening music.
I love watching thrillers.
Sometimes I like playing computer games with friends.

Teraz dobrze?
listening TO
dzięki :) Czyli rozumiem że nie ma większego znaczenia czy użyję bezokoliczników czy czasowników?
dla mnie to za duzo 'I' i 'I' i 'I' lepiej polaczyc zdania i zaczynac innym slowem jak 'I' i 'I' i 'I'...
Moim zdaniem lepiej proste i zwięzłe zdania, nie ma potrzeby pakować się w zdania złożone, to nie jest wypracowanie.
Znalazłem coś takiego w Internecie:
I like playing football or I like to play football?
both are correct, but they are a little different. I like to play football is more general. If someone asks you what do you like to do you would say "I like to play football" as opposed to "I like playing football". If for example you just played football and someone asks you what do you think of football? It would be more proper to say "I like playing football". But generally it's ok to use either one
Czyli lepiej będzie jak będę używał formy bezokolicznikowej.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia