Znajdź błąd

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Decide whether the following sentences are correct - if they are correct put a tick, if not correct them:
1. Evidence may be classified as direct and circumstantial.
2. Opinion testimony by lay witnesses is based on their belief or idea rather than on direct knowledge of the facts at issue.
3. All due enquiries has been made appropriate to the circumstances.
4. If a trial period gives, it should not exceed three weeks.
5. The court obliges to close the hearing of the case after conclusion of evidentiary proceeding.
6. An arrested person make take to police station or released on bail as soon as practicable after the arrest.
7. An indictment is usually being drafted by the prosecution.
8. Person who are initially arrested must advise of their basic rights.
9. Bail may deposit either by the defendant or another person.
10. The prosecutor is supposed to introduce evidence of the defendant's guilt.
najpierw podaj swoje odpowiedzi
nie wiem jak to zrobić, dlatego proszę o pomoc
to nie sa zdania dla poczatkujacych, powinienes kojarzyc

chdozi o to, ze niektore czasowniki powinny byc w stronie biernej, a sa w czynnej, lub odwrotnie


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia

