Prośba o sprawdzenie poprawności

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Zadanie polega na tym, że należy wpisać w każdą z luk jedno słowo. Pochodzi ono z tematu "Obligation & Permission". W dwóch przypadkach nie wiedziałem, co mam tam umieścić, w pozostałych napisałem swoje odpowiedzi w nawiasie obok. Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie i ewentualną pomoc.

Different countries have different systems to allow people born outside the country to become a citizen. In Austria, you're _ (required) to live continuously for at least ten years in the country before you're _ (allowed) to apply for a passport, while in FYR Macedonia some people _ become citizens within a year and you _ (need) n't even live in the country! All they _ (should) do is put €400,000 or more of their own money into a new business that employs local people. In South Korea, you _ (have) to prove you can sing four verses of the national anthem, while the Dutch test has questions about normal behaviour such as 'If neighbours you don't know well are getting married, is _ polite to: send a postcard, give a present or give flowers? The UK has a test on rules, facts and customs, which all British people are _ (required) to know, although a recent survey found most would fail!
The Dutch test has questions about normal behaviour such as 'If neighbours you don't know well are getting married, is _ polite to: send a postcard, give a present or give flowers?
1. co mozesz wstawic miedzy podmiotem a zwyklym rzeczownikiem? Nb. w tym samym wierszu masz bardzo podobny przyklad
2. co możesz wstawic między pod..., zaraz, gdzie jest podmiot?
Internetowe czasopismo wspomagające naukę języka angielskiego ogłosiło konkurs na najciekawszy artykuł na temat : To use or not to use modern technology in education'. Napisz artykuł w którym przedstawisz i uzasadnisz swój punkt widzenia.

Learning by modern technology

Learning is very import ant thing in our life and broaden our mind. We can use modern technology in education, but is itgood for us? Learning by modern technology is said to have some disadvantages. Students should have a real contact with teacher and do some task in a book.
Nowadays, more and more school give homework and conduct lesson by the Internet. Not every students have a computer or good Internet to read this message. Pupils cannot be focused on homework and lesson because have a lot of more interesting things to do in mobile phone and computer. Face-to-face communications is believed to be more effective. We are thrown in at the deep end when we must brace for exam only for modern technology. Students prefer learn with classmates and nightor down on real contact. Moreover, nowadays all the time we use smartphones when we learn we should be focued only on our tasks and have a rest for modern technology.
As to me, using modern technology in education is not good. I cannot be focused and I do not have mobilization to study when I must learn by modern technology. Where I you, I would choose a book and a notebook to learn and revise. I preser to learn with my friends. I feel puzzle when I must use modern technology to learn because l am used to studying without the Internet and computer.
It is quite clear to me tha tusing modern technology is not the best way to educate. We should be focused and concentrated only on our lesson and have a good contact with other rteachers and friends.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie