Jak to poprawnie powiedzieć?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, mam pytanie jak będa brzmiały te kawałki zdań poprawnie ?

1. Do produkcji zapałek wykorzystywany był fosfor, który powodował gnicie szczęk i zębów dzieci.
.......which caused rotting children's jaws and teeth.

2. był spowodowany podrażnieniem przez sadzę.
was caused by soot irritation.

3. czytanie i pisanie było wszystkim czego potrzebowano
reading and writing was all they will need
1 lepiej uzyj konstrukcji
make sth czasownik

2 moze byc

3 they will need = (czeg) będą potrzebowali
1 można też 'cause sb to do sth'
edytowany przez zielonosiwy: 11 lip 2020
A co jest złego w "which caused rotting children's jaws and teeth."? Stylistyka?
sth rotted children's jaws
... caused rotting OF ... będzie pasowało?
tak, będzie poprawne gramatycznie, ale rzadziej spotykane niz inne konstrukcje
which caused rotting children's jaws and teeth
which caused jaw and teeth rot in children (rot is a noun here)

was caused by soot irritation
By default, if said out of the blue:
throat, skin, eye… irritation... = throat, skin, eye… are grammatical patients (receivers) You should make sooth accessible as agent beforehand.
…irritation was caused by soot inhalation

reading and writing was all they will need
reading and writing skill was all they would (ever) need
The kids used to eat the matches?
nouns generally take singular left-modifiers
"Teeth" is an irregular plural. Irregular plurals can form noun+noun structures; being roots or stems, they contribute modification to the head noun uninfected, just as singulars do.
Teeth straightener, teeth brace, teeth marks, teeth fixer, teeth whitening,…

Start upper casing no matter what,
End with a period or one with a dot.
Cytat: Janski
reading and writing skill was all they would (ever) need

you're talking about two different skils here, so 'reading and writing skills'
Cytat: Janski
Start upper casing no matter what,
End with a period or one with a dot.

blank verse?
Cytat: engee30
Cytat: Janski
reading and writing skill was all they would (ever) need

you're talking about two different skils here, so 'reading and writing skills'

Nope. Why only two?
The English alphabet has 26 letters, each having its own upper and lower case to be skillfully used in all the right places. The art of reading and writing thus involves mastering 52 skills at the very least.
And then there are punctuation marks, and all the combinations of letters and spaces… Look at the possibilities!
You'd better start learning them now. Life is short, you know.
Cytat: Janski
You'd better start learning them now. Life is short, you know.

For such a short time of life on this earth, would you still say or write 'reading and writing skill'? That's not proper English.
>>>>Life is short, you know.
For some people 3 minutes is a lifetime, for some 20 years a minute. It all depends how you measure something.
As for 'short' - and I don't want to be rude (but I will) it's not the length of it that matters, but what you do with it:-)
Dopiero zauwazylam:
3. czytanie i pisanie było wszystkim czego potrzebowano
reading and writing was all they will need
To zdanie po ang mi sie calkowicie nie podoba. Wg mnie, to powinno byc: ...was all THAT they WOULD have needed.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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