Transformacje - Zadanie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dzień Dobry, potrzebuję bardzo aby mi ktoś pomógł w tym zadaniu, ponieważ to zadanie sprawia mi trud i nie umiem go wykonać a potrzebuję go na jutro. Rozwiąże ktoś? Dziękuję.

1) Bridge could'nt play in the match beacuse he had broken his ankle. (STOPPED)
Bridge's broken ankle ........ in the match.

2) 'I'm sory I couldn't come to your party', Wayne said. (FOR)
Wayne ..................... my party.

3) Stop that child playing in the street - it's really dangerous. (LET)
Don't ..................... in the street - it's really dangerous.

4) Joseph is thinking of starting golf as a hobby. (TAKE)
Joseph is thinking of ............ golf.

5) They didn't give any reason for arriving late. (ARRIVED)
They didn't explain ............ late.

6) It is said that the old tower is haunted. (SAID)
The old tower ........ haunted.

7) In spite of working all weekend, I didn't manage to finish the essay. (FACT)
Despite ............. all weekend, I didn't manage to finish the essay.

8) Laura hates other people eating popcron in the cinema. (STAND)
Laura ........ other people eat popcorn in the cinema.
Sprobuj napisac sam i moze wtedy ktos ci powie czy dobrze albo jak poprawic. Niektore sa b. latwe.


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