droga do szkoly... PLIS!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
mam ogromna proźbe...
potrzebuje takie zadanko : mianowicie musze miec zrobiona "drogę do szkoly" oczywiscie po angielsku
jak by ktos dal rade Mi to napisac...
okolo 100 slow
mam nadzieje ze znajdzie sie taka osoba:*:**:
On the way to school!

Franklin sits with tiny snail,
On the way to school.
He is feeling kinda pale,
On the way to school.
Bear has eaten all his snack,
Rabbit has a mild attack,
Bus ride seems a long long trail,
On the way to school!

They arrive there one by one,
Finally at the school!
Teacher says it's lots of fun,
Learning at the school.
Franklin shows his artist skills,
Helps Rabbit sort out the bills,
Hugs his dad and then his mom,
Great first day at school! (shout this line enthusiastically)

What a lot of things to see,
On the way to school!
Chipmunks running up a tree,
On the way to school.
Sparrows busy building nests,
Robins smoothing down their vests,
What a lot of things to see,
On the way to school!

What a lot of things to hear,
On the way to school!
Someone whistling loud and clear,
On the way to school.
Workmens' hammers go bang, bang!
Fire engine goes clang, clang!
What a lot of things to hear,
On the way to school!

What a lot of things to do,
On the way to school!
Act like monkies at the zoo,
On the way to school!
Jump in puddles, climb a tree,
Cross the street so carefully,
What a lot of things to do,
On the way to school!

Słowniczek potrzebnych wyrazów:
- to turn left - skręcić w lewo
- to turn right - skręcić w prawo
- to go straight on - iść prosto
- to go along - iść wzdłuż
- to stop - zatrzymać się

Skoro to tylko na 100 słów to nie będzie nawet gdzie wykorzystać innych słówek Wink Oczywiście zwróć uwagę, że z "to" na początku zapisane są bezokoliczniki i musisz dopasować słówka do czasu i ewentualnie osoby o jakiej piszesz. W tym przypadku to będzie zwykłe:
- you should/have to/need to go straight on... - powinieneś iść prosto...
- for about 5 minutes - przez około 5 minut
- then - następnie
To jest 230 slow ( nie liczac tytulu ). Zmien wierszyk.