Looknij na to PROSZĘ!!!!:):):)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dear Sir or Madam,

I have read on the 10 of October in Your magazine the arictle "Dogs in big cities- Yes or No?"
There were write about problem: have dog in the city or no?
I think that, this is good idea because in the village dogs can spend more time in the forest on the walk or play with his owners in the garden.He have also spacious in big house.Dog is the house`s guard when I go out. In the city he spend more time in small flat.Also the city is very loud esspecialy in the New Year.Maybe the flat`s owner in the city buy a alarm not dog?
In my opnion everyone should think and talk about this article.

Your faithfully,
Pomijajac bledy gramatyczne, to poczatek jest niejasny, bo piszesz tak:

Pisali o problemie - miec psa w miescie czy nie?
Mysle, ze to dobry pomysl, bo na wsi psy moga wiecej czasu spedzac w lesie....

Co wlasciwie jest tu dobrym pomyslem? Masz sie ustosunkowac do tego: miec psa w miescie czy nie?
mialam na mysli ze czytalam w gazecie artykul pod tytulem..i chodzilo mi o to ze lepiej psy maja na wsi niz w miescie.


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