dobrze, czy niebardzo...???

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
witam, starałam sie napisac sensowna rozprawke o zaletach i wadach zawierania znajomosci przez internet... prosilabym o sprawdzenie poprawności efektu mojej pracy...


The Internet is going to be the most important way of communicating - already many people use email rather than the phone or letters.
Internet has both some advantages and disadvantages. Below there are some pluses and minuses of its usage.

There are several points in favour of communicating over the Net.
The main advantage is it gives the chance to meet very many people from whole world, about every time of day and night, by all days of year...
Besides we can easy to find persons with similar interests and hobbies. A lot of people visit chat rooms or use communicators such as ICQ or Gadu-Gadu to make a new friedships.
Furthermore we can "talk" to others whenever we feel like it.
Another advantage is that we can chat with many people at the same time or with everyone separately.
Sometimes we can share very intimate details. In fact we can stay anonymous. They will not meet us in real space.

As I said Internet has positive and negative sides.
First of all drawbacks is what some write about themselves may be untrue. It isn't face to face contact, so is that "true" communication?
Hardly ever friendships over the Net are long lasting. They usually are superficial and not real bonds.

But the most dangerous thing is anonymity. Anonymity is also advantage, but on the other hand threat, because we have never known who sits after second side of monitor and which intentions has in relation to us.

Therefore we should apply "limited confidence" in internet contacts.

jesli mialby ktos chwilke na sprawdzenie i poprawienie bledow w tej rozprawce, bylabym wdzieczna...
zamiast comunicating - communication -(2x m)
plusy,minusy - lepiej: advantages and disadvantages -czyli wady zalety,
Many people prefere using internet than writing letters or making phones.
pluses and minuses of using it.
in favour of communication

The main advantage is it gives the chance to meet very many people-tak nie!
nie uzywamy przed people very.ani THE przed main
First of all, it gives people the opportunity to meet a lot of interesting p-
eople from all over the world.We can communicate at any time, 24 hours a day throughout the year.
-pozwolilam sobie na malaprzerobke.
Secondly,we can easily find people with similar...
to form friendships.
furthermore- jakies niezrozumiale..nie wiem co mialas na mysli

real space - raczej - in reality

First of all drawbacks is what some write about themselves may be
>untrue. It isn't face to face contact, so is that "true"
>communication? -to zdanko jest very clumsy!
mozesz dodac zdanie..
There are some drawbacks as well.
firstly, what people write about themselves very often,in the reallife can turn out to be a lie.
pokrotce z mojego punktu widzenia tak to by wygladało lepiej aczkolwiek..napewno znajda sie lepsi od mnie ;) trzymsie
chyba prefere sth. TO sth. zamiast than.
dzieki bardzo za wszelkie sugestie... buzki ;)
nie bedzie making phones bo to oznacza,ze robisz telefony, fizycznie je produkujesz, albo making calls albo making phone calls.
Pisze sie PREFER, a nie prefere,
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia