What is the influence of commercials on people?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
pleas help my ...musze napiac wypowiedz o tym ale nic mi nie wychodzi....
>pleas help my ...musze napiac wypowiedz
"kukuryku" powinno wystarczyć ;)
mam ułożone argumęty ale nie wiem jak to wszystko razem logicznie skleic i rozwinac z deka, nie musisz odrazu byc taki chamski
to wpisz argumenty, to cos zaproponujemy :)
sommetimes adverts are funny , they inform as about some products,we now about new offers ,we can cheosse what is the best w,we now was is trendy,we know about good products,they warn people about dangerous ,people sometimes buy what they don't need,people are manipulated by commercials.....
sorry dont mean to invade your piece but i just thought i would correct a few errors! maybe some help, maybe not! :) rnps instead of "know" it would probably sound nicer if you wrote "find out" just a suggestion! rnrnsometimes adverts are funny , they inform us about some products,we know about new offers ,we can choose what is the best,we know what is trendy,we know about good products,they warn people of dangers ,people sometimes buy what they don't need, people are manipulated by commercials.....
thank you !
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