Prośba o sprawdzenie poprawności czasów.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, tekst nie jest krótki (377 słów). Napisałem go własnoręcznie. Jest to kontynuacja opowidania. Niestety jest to druga kontynuacja opowiadania jaką mam napisać w ciągu tygodnia. Pierwsza została ulana :-( Drugi raz nie mogę sobie na to pozwolić. Więc proszę o pomoc i poprawę bo napewno coś pomieszałem. (nie właściwe słówka, czasy)

Ogólnie miałbym prośbę o sprawdzenie tego pod kątem poprawności gramatycznej

Oto moje wypociny:

The landlady went upstairs whilst Billy sat at the sofa and he admired the work of her hands for another twenty minutes. All that time he was thinking about those two names. He had images in his head, but he just couldn’t put them in a reasonable whole. It was late so he went upstairs. In his way up something caught his eye. It was an old newspaper. On the front page it was written: “Mysterious disappearances of young men”. He started to read the article, but suddenly he felt as if somebody was watching him. He put the newspaper back and looked around, but he couldn’t see any one. He took the newspaper and quietly went to his room. He sat on the bed, took out the paper and started to read the article. When he was half way through it he finally remembered that Gregory Temple and Christopher Mulholland were the two men that the article was about. They disappeared without a trace respectively two and three years ago. No one knew what happened with them until the police found the intestines, which were later identified as the entrails of Mr Temple and Mr Mulholland. There were no clues that would lead the police to the perpetrator, because the insides were removed in a very professional way. The weird thing about this case was that the bodies were never found. All of a sudden Billy had a brainwave. He connected the facts and realized that he may be in a great danger. He began to think about what he should do when he felt a terrible pain in his stomach. He put the newspaper down and in front of him he saw the landlady. “Don’t worry my dear it won’t last long”, she said. He looked down and he saw a kitchen knife stabbed into his stomach. The blood was everywhere. After a short time it was over. The landlady came downstairs to get their tools when a door bell rang. She opened the door and saw a young handsome man. “Come in! I was waiting for you”, she said with a smile on her face. “Wait here, I have a customer upstairs.” “When I finish with him I will take care of you”.

Z góry dzięki za pomoc!
Wydaje mi się, że jest parę błędów:
-10 wers: 'anyone' not 'any one'
-13 wers: raczej powinno być 'No one knew what had happened.." -co sie stało z nimi wcześniej
-19 wers: 'The lanndlady was coming downstairs (...) when a dood bell rang' - krótsza czynność przerywa dłuższą
Tekst jest napisany poprawnie, dlatego nie widzę żebyś miał problemy z następstwem czasów. życzę powodzenia:)
Dziękuję za wskazanie mi błędów, ale prosze sprawdźcie ten tekst jeszcze raz. Bo wydaje mi się że coś jeszcz jest nie tak. Może teraz pod kątem słownictwa. Czy wszytko pasuje do siebie...

Dla kontrastu wstawię pracę (to wspomnianą pierwszą kontynuacje) za którą dostałem 1.

Oto ona:

I felt that I had realized my goals. However, after a moth I learned that Luke had escaped from the prison killing two guards. I wanted to prevent my wife from knowing this, but it was too late… The media spread the news all over England. It was too much for Valerie. She overdosed PANADOL® and fell in coma. I stared to collapse. I felt as if God abandoned me. I even started to doubt whether God had ever existed. I wanted to revenge on the whole world for my suffering.
I decided that I will track Luke down and remove him form the society once and for all. It took me three months to find out where he was staying. I waited for him with I knife. I wanted him to die like Johnny – stabbed in the heart. However, when the moment came I just couldn’t do it. I walked away and I let the police to take actions. Although Luke was captured and sentenced to death, I couldn’t forgive myself for not seizing the opportunity. It led to my alcohol problems. It wasn’t long after I landed on the street.
And then came he, my redeemer. His name was John - what a coincidence – and it turned out that he was a priest. He gave me a hand, pulled me out from my misery. Thanks to him I returned to God, because as I later discovered He never walk out on me. When I finally stood back on my feet I went to see my beloved wife, who was still in coma. It was one year since I last saw her. When I came into the room I saw her lying helpless on the bed. At that moment I again doubted in God’s existence. But when I touched Valerie’s hand a miracle happened – she woke up.
Afterwards Valerie and I decided to start an organization which helps families whose children had been murdered. Thanks to the assistance of father John, in a year time we extended our field. We had understood that helping victims was not enough, so we stared to help potential thugs by showing them attention, which they hadn’t received form anyone before.
It has been ten years now, since Johnny had died. The wounds had healed, but the emptiness remained. I only hope that thanks to our efforts many innocent lives have been saved.

Tego nie musicie poprawiać, wystarczy że napiszecie mi że widać błędy :-)
Myślałem że napisałem zajebistą kontynuacje ale się przeliczyłem.

Więc prosze poszukajcie jeszcze możliwych błędów w pracy którą zamieściłem jako pierwszą.
Mam wątpliwości co do poniższych fraz ( pierwszy tekst):

put them in a reasonable whole

When he was half way through it

disappeared without a trace respectively two and three years ago

“Wait here, I have a customer upstairs.” “When I finish with him I will take care of you”.

– to ma być takie “witty” czyli że ma klienta (Billego – trupa) I kiedy z nim skończy (czyli go wypatroszy) to zajmie się tym drugim (tylko że ten drugi myśli że ona się nie zajmie czyli go obsłuży) Czy napisane w ten sposób oddaje to co właśnie napisałem???

Co o tym myślicie mogą być???
wszystkie są poprawne, z tym że respectively powinno byc na końcu zdania

>napisane w ten sposób oddaje to co właśnie napisałem???

chodzi o dwuznaczność, więc moze byc tak, jak jest napisane (ewentualnie .. when I'm done with him I'll take care of you'