prosze o skorygowanie bledow.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Because the weather in Poland my flight has been canceled 2 times. I have change company and i fly off tomorrow afternoon.
I don't want disturbing you.. but i have to know when i can come to take my money. It's really important for me to receive them before christmas, i don't want have the same situation like last year. Like you told me last time i have to first book the money, so i want to do this- but i'm not sure how much money i can take. I was trying to write to Anna but she didin't anserw me.

Bede bardzo wdzieczna!!!
Because OF the weather in Poland my flight has been cancelLed 2 times. I
have NOW changeD AIRLINES and I fly off tomorrow afternoon.
I don't want TO disturb you.. but I have to know when I can come to
GET my money. It's really important for me to receive IT before
Christmas. I don't want TO have the same situation AS last year. Like
you told me last time I have to first book the money, so I want to do
this- but I'm not sure how much money I can take. (Tego zdania nie rozumie, ale poprawilam)
I TRIED to write to Anna but she HASN'T ansWERED me.
>I fly off tomorrow afternoon.

I'm flying off tomorrow afternoon.

Wydaje mi się, że miejscami brakuje przecinków.


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