Czy moglibyście sprawdzic błędy??? PROSZE:)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy moglibyscie sprawdzić moja pracę?? Bradzo prosze! Nie jestem dobra z gramatyki a musze to napisać.

For several days you will have a birthday so I would like that you remember this day for a long time. I know that too very like Polish comedies which Maciek Zakoscielny are playing. So, I inviting you on premiere of films “WHY NOT” It will proceed 12.12 in the day your birthday. Later I am taking you to your favorites club where we will be together with your friends to celebrate the birthday party! I have prepared everything and thinking will appeal to you and you will accept them. . I am waiting to your, answer impatiently.

Dzeki z góry;)


Studia językowe