Zamiana na Reported Speech

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy zmiana na reported speech jest poprawna:

1."Rachel:Don't believe evertying they tell you about this investment." zmiana na RS -> "Rachel warned us didn't believe evertying they tell us about this investment"
2."Bank Manager: How much money do you want to deposit?" zmiana na RS -> " The Bank Manager asked us how much money you wanted to desposit"
3."Friend:You should take the job." zmiana na RS -> "My friend suggested that he should took the job"

Dzieki za pomoc.
1. Rachel warned us not to believe everything they told us about this investment.
2. The Bank Manager asked me how much money I wanted to deposit.
3. My friend suggested taking the job.

to na moj chlopski rozum :)
>My friend suggested that he should took the job

"Take" a nie "took".
Zmieniając na mowę zależną zdania z czasownikami modalnymi, zwykle nie cofa się w nich czasu, bo zmieniłoby to znaczenie, dlatego zostało "should".


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