proszę o sprawdzenie !

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo prosze o poprawę listu do jakiegoś sportowca. Dzięki !
Dear Tom,
I wanted to write this letter a long time ago, but I always knew that you are too busy to read letters like mine. I hope, you will find some time to look at my post. I’m sixteen years old and for three years have been training figure skating. I remeber that feeling when I stepped on ice the first time. It was amazing. I found my passion and that is why I started training this kind of sport. I knew it will be not easy, because I was too old to start training... I'm lucky because I started training with a former figure skater. Now I'm in synchronizing skating team and we train with a former Polish figure skater, who represented our country in section of pairs' dance. I'm writing this letter because I want to tell you how a great example of a sportsmam you are for me and many other pople, who love figure skating,but not necessary training it. The first time I saw you was at European Championship in Torino in 2005 and since that day you heve been my favourite skater. You exactly were performing a pirouette ! I was transfixed ! I thought: "Who is he ?" Every time you perform I am very exicited and I always hope you'll be the best. For these few years you did an amazing progress in skating. You showed us what real figure skating is.
I like you for your style of skating, emotions on ice and also because you are real, you put a part of you into your skating every time you are on ice.
I think that's very important. When you won the silver medal in the Olympics I wept for joy. There will be a European Championship in Warsaw soon and I will be there of course.

To nie koniec listu. Narazie zamieszczam tyle :) Mam jeszcze pytanie: To jest młody sportowiec ale może list i tak powinien być napisany formalnym stylem ? Chyba lepiej by było takim bo formalny wydaje mi się zbyt sztywny....
...but I always knew that you are WERE too busy to read letters like mine.
I'm 'sixteen years' (lepiej 16-years-old) and for THE LAST three years
have been training figure skating. I remeMber VERY WELL thE feeling when I
>stepped on THE ice FOR the first time.
I knew it wOULD NOT BE easy, because I was too old to start training... THE PAIR DANCE SECTION.
...not necessarILY training IN it. The first time I saw you was at
THE European Championship in Torino in 2005 and since that day you hAve
been my favourite skater.
You 'exactly' (co to 'exactly tutaj robi?)were performing a pirouette AT THAT TIME.
..I am very exCITED and I always hope you'll be the best. For THE LAST FEW years you HAVE MADE an amazing progress in skating.

List jest ok - styl jest ok
that you (nie 'are' ale WERE )...


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