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Hi Everyone! :)
please correct my essay on topic "What in your opinion makes city life better than country life" :)
thanks for all pieces of advice :)

Nowadays people want to live in city because they think that life there is better than country life. I agree with that opinion and I try to show some reasons of that phenomenon.

There is no denying that in city is greater access to entertainment. There are a lot of cinemas, theatres, discos, museums and other places where people can spend their free time together. There is also bigger possibility of using sport facilities for example swimming pools, skating rinks and fitness centers.

Another thing is that, in city people have better choice of school and higher quality of education than people from country. It is also true that, in town you have better job opportunities because labor market is bigger. What is more in village there is no good public transport and people must commute to work on their own way. In addition there is better healthcare in town, because more well-educated doctors live in towns and big health centers are there.

Also for many people it is too calm because shopping is harder and shops are not open at convenient time. In town you can buy everything you want and any time you want for instance you can go to all-nighter shop. Furthermore in town you have a chance to meet new people every day and you have more privacy because people are generally more interested in their own problems.

In conclusion, city life is interesting. I would like live in a big city (have a lot of money, big house and spend time with my beloved friends because they are wonderful) and I think that may young people would like live there too.

A thousand thanks for help ;)
Regards ;)
Respect ;)
Peace & Love :)
Damn finally I’ve got ....... ;) and ....... have me ;)
It’s a great feeling but sometimes it drives me crazy
Nowadays people want to live in 'A' city because they think that life
there is better than country life. I agree with that opinion and I WILL try
to show some reasons of that 'phenomenon'.
There is no denying that in THE city THERE IS A greater access to entertainment.
...bigger possibility - lepiej ...greater possibility
...centers - centrers to AmE , centres to BrE
Another thing is that, in THE city people have A better choice of schoolS and
A higher quality of education than DO people from THE country. It is also true
that, in town you have better job opportunities because labor (AmE?) market
is 'bigger' (nie, znajdz inne slowo na 'bigger'). What is more in A village there is 'no good' public transport (nie, lepiej ...the public transport is no good...)and people must commute to work IN their own way. In addition there is
better healthcare in townS, because more well-educated doctors live in
towns and big health centers are there.
Also for many people it is too calm because shopping is harder and
shops are not open at A convenient time. In A town you can buy everything
you want and anytime you want TO for instance you can go to all-nighter
In conclusion, city life is MORE interesting. I would like TO live in a big
city (have a lot of money, big house and spend time with my beloved
friends because they are wonderful) and I think that may young people
would ALSO like TO live there too.
Dziekuję Terri :)
terri, piszesz :

>Nowadays people want to live in 'A' city because they think that

oraz :

>There is no denying that in THE city THERE IS A greater access to

Nie rozumiem dlaczego w pierwszym cytowanym przeze mnie fragmencie jest A city, a w drugim THE city. To pewnie wynika z mojej niewiedzy na temat przedimków, ale skoro ona pisze ogólnie o mieście to w drugim fragmencie również powinno byc A, bo ona nie pisze o żadnym konkretnym mieście.

Inny przykład :

I need a woman who would cater to all my whims, A woman who wouldn't get angry if I laid all day sprawled across the sofa with beer :-), ale :

I saw a beautiful woman man! ; the woman was so sexy.

Z tymi miastami to chyba posobnie jak w moim pierwszym przykładzie ;), ale nie wiem.
Nie wiem, czy moge, ale chce sie wypowiedziec za terri odnosnie uzycia przedimkow a/the.
W j.angielskim jest tak zwane pojecie 'przedimek gatunkowy" lub cos w tym stylu; zamiast powiedziec 'in a city' (nie majac na mysli konkretnego miasta) mozna rowniez powiedziec 'in the city'.
Tak wiec mozna niejednokrotnie powiedziec 'I'm going for the bus' zamiast 'I'm going for a bus', czy 'We met on the train' zamiast 'We met on a train', itp.
tak, to jest cos w tym rodzaju co napisal engee - bo to tutaj wlasnie chodzi o tym co wyobraznia ci podpowiada jak uslyszysz:
1. in a city - tutaj to miasto wydaje ci sie daleko, mowa o ogolnym miescie, nieznanym, gdzies tam daleko
2. in the city - tutaj miasto jest blizej ciebie, tylko moze w wyobrazni, ale jednak jest blizej - przypomina mi sie tutaj piosenka - 'Living in the city'.
teri, hit the Skype please.
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