Możecie to sprawdzić??b. krotkie....

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Napisałem prosty tekst na temat "jak spedziłem swoje święta", ale nie wiem czy jest poprawny :/ Mogłby mi to ktoś sprawdzic?? Prosze.... bardzo mi zależy

"I spent Christmas a family. In Christmas eve, morning I was decorating Christmas tree. At evening we went to my grandparents In Christmas-Eve supper. We ate traditional Christmas dishes. Next was a presents. The First and second day of Christmas I was spent a my parents. "
>>I spent Christmas a family. In Christmas eve, morning I was decorating Christmas >>tree. At evening we went to my grandparents In Christmas-Eve supper. We ate >>traditional Christmas dishes. Next was a presents. The First and second day of >>Christmas I was spent a my parents. "

I spent Christmas with my family. I was decorating christmas tree in the morning of Christmas Eve. In the evening we visited my grandparents and had supper there. We were eating traditional polish dishes. After the supper we gave each other presents. The first and the second Christmas day I spent at my parents' flat.


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