
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I can't stop thinks about my future...I can't!

Nie mogę zatrzymać myśli dotyczących mojej przyszłości...nie mogę!

I can't stop thinking about my future - nie moge przestac myslec o przyszlosci
correct. Think is also a noun.
>correct. Think is also a noun
only in the phrases 'have a think' = 'think about', or 'give it a think' = 'think about it'

>I can't stop thinks about my future...I can't!

Nie mogę zatrzymać myśli dotyczących mojej przyszłości...nie mogę!

I can't stop the thoughts about my future.
In my opinion, the sentence, 'I can't dismiss/get rid of the thoughts about my future.', would be better.


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