Czy znacie taki zwrot?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
...which saw them......
w kontekscie
which saw them expelled from the place by .......
Przyklady z google:

1) Coming off a successful 2[tel]campaign which saw the team come one win away from the conference championship, the Huskies return to the floor with high ...

2) The period 1880-1920, which saw not only the theoretical origins of 'modern-. ism' in art and literature but many of its major achievements, has long stood ...

3) Detroit-based General Motors Corp., which saw its fleet sales drop for the month as it works to cut low-profit sales to rental car companies, ...

Moim zdaniem w mozna to przetlumaczyc jako "ktore bylo swiadkiem" (jakiegos wydarzenia)


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