butcher\'s shop ?

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butcher\'s shop ?

i saw pieces of fresh meat in every corner, warm, steaming blood flowing down on the butcher\'s apron, his face fascinated by the vision of undone, juicy beefsteak, but what does it mean really, some kind of mess ?
rather a slaughterhouse ;o)

And seriously, it seems to me that this is a description of an old butcher shop. In the past, each butcher has his own slaughterhouse, normally at the back of the shop.
no, no he said that the following ... are a veritable butcher\'s shop of ...
groch z kapustą ??
my question was inaccurate, i ment butcher\'s shop
that sounds moire like a mad butcher...something like a Mr Azarkawii (sp?) and the Abu Ahraib scandal.
what was your question Trish?
quotation - The following paragraphs are a veritable butcher\'s shop of fragments
i got the meaning, but was killed about the translation :(
Your posts are obviously a thought underdone.
>saw pieces of fresh meat in every corner, warm, steaming blood flowing down on the butcher\'s apron, his face fascinated by the vision of undone, juicy beefsteak<

obviously they are (above-mentioned was only my bloody vision inspired by the title expression), ok, they are higly underdone, (fast world we\'re living in ;). but what about the translation of \'butcher\'s shop\' ? and i know what it literally means :)
BTW why A thought underdone ?
When you butcher something, you bungle things, you botch them up, you make a mess of things.
What\'s left after you – I mean the upshot of the butchery – is a shambles, a scene of destruction.
Actually, shambles used to mean a slaughterhouse, a butcher\'s shop.

>BTW why A thought underdone ?

Because \"A thought\" can mean both \"A shade\" and \"an act of thinking\".
so i thought it ment a mess, thanks for acknowledging
so now i know a thought more :)
Trish, the first time I looked at it I thought it meant nothing BUT a huge bloody and sticky mess.... :)
\"Butcher\'s shop\" - it is a shop wher you can buy meat and cold meats or sausages. Po naszemu sklep mięsny.

A swoja drogą przytoczę dowcip sprzed dwudziestu paru lat:

Czym się różni sklep mięsny sprzed wojny (II światowej) od sklepu mięsnego w PRLu.

Przed wojna na szyldzie pisało \"Rzeźnik\", a w skleie były mięso i wędliny.
Po wojnie na szyldzie pisało \"Mieso i wędliny\" a w sklepie był rzeźnik.
I love it...and sooo true!!!!!
The Butcher
A man walks into a butchers shop asks the butcher \"Are you a gambling man?\"

The butcher says, \"Yes\".

The man says, \"I bet you fifty dollars that you can\'t reach up and touch that meat hanging on the hooks up there.\"

The butcher looks up at the meat hanging on the hooks. He says, \"I\'m not betting on that\".

\"But I thought you were a gambling man,\" the man retorts.

\"Yes I am,\" says the butcher, \"but the steaks are too high\".
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