prosze pomozcie i przetlumaczcie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
wielka prosba, prosze moze ktos pomoze? i przetlumaczy mi to co ponoizej ten wstep do listu motywacyjnego, reszte mam juz wczesniej przetlumaczona ale ten poczatek musze uaktualnic, z gory dzieki:

\"W związku z chęcią dalszego rozwoju swojej kariery zawodowej oraz obserwując dynamiczny wzrost i rozwój firmy ..., jej renomę i znaczący udział na rynku, chciałbym wyrazić zainteresowanie podjęciem pracy w nowo powstającej Państwa fabryce w ... na stanowisku ...\"
hmmm... troche \"kwieciste\" ;o) napisze co wymodzilam, moze to \"prompt\" innych do napisania ich wersji :o)

Impressed by the dynamic expansion of your firm and its reputation and wanting to further my career, I would like to express my interest in the post of ..... that has become available at your new plant in X.

troche \"kanciasto\" ale nich bedzie, ktos zawsze musi zaczac pierwszy..
Well, first of all I would forget about any comments regarding the company\'s performance. Three resaons for that:

1. First, it just sounds a little bit condenscending to me. The person applying for a job is supposed to \"sell\" himself/herself and not the company they are applying for.

2. All companies want you to think they are the BEST - there is no need to emphasize it.

3. Also by saying that you\'re applying because the company is doing well, you are planting a small seed in the boss\'s head who will definitely wonder what happens if they don\'t do as good ....are they going to lose you? You obviously don\'t want them to think anything like that.

That\'s just my point of view but you call the shots here so you have to decide for yourself.

Well, Sk8ter, I should learn from you how to call a spade a spade :o) and not waffle...\"kwieciste\", my arse!


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