50s czy '50s?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Wg mnie obydwie są OK. Z tą różnicą, że pierwsze używane w j. brytyjskim drugie amerykańskim.

Please weigh in with your comment :)
I've only seen 50s and 50's. Not '50s. Then again, it's not really something I would pay great attention to.
I'm indifferent.
I see '50s, but can't comment on frequency.
I'm asking for no reason :) Recenlty, I have read a fresh and new copy of National Geographic, which, as it is common knowledge, is written in AmE. It was exactly in that magazine I spotted it.
widzialam wszystkie 3 wersje. 50s, 50's i '50s. Generalnie mowiac, to ostatnia powinna byc poprzwna, bo apostrof sluzy do tego, ze tam cos jest uciete...19'50s.
Mex have a read on 'the disappearing apostrophe'.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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