Sprawdźcie czy dobrze...

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Możecie mi sprawdzić czy te zdania są poprawne, jeśli wiecie poprawcie tylko proszę nie zmieniajcie wyrazów napisanych dużymi literami, resztę możecie modyfikować. Dzięki z góry. Aha, looknijcie też czy przecinki i cała interpunkcja są dobrze.

1. Anthony, who was always DEVOTED to his PASSIONATE girlfriend, now feels a bit ANXIOUS because he saw her crossing the street with very handsome man.

2."Do you FANCY going dancing?"- Paul asked Beverly because he was STRIVING to picke her up (poderwać, dobrze to jest?), but she denied due to her BENT ankle.

3.After this termendous HURRICANE which visited our village a week ago, all the CULTURES were devasted, but fortunately some charity organisations are helping us with executing losses.
no, your sentences are not 100% correct. plus, some parts sound weird, to say the least.
1. i'd reconsider the use of 'devoted', 'passionate' also sounds strange in this context.plus 'a very handsome man'.
2. technically it's ok, but ...you should ry to avoind 2 -ing verbs one after the other. is this supposed to rhyme? and i'd change 'strive' to 'he was craving to pick her up'(or, shorter 'he was hitting on her' :)). 'bent' ankle? you mean 'sprained', or 'twisted', right? and definitelly not 'denied due to'. maybe try 'refused because she had twisetd her ankle'.
3. i'd say 'violent hurricane which wrought havoc to our village last week'. 'cultures'???what do you want to say? 'devastated'? you mean 'ruined', 'destroyed'.

hope this helps.
oh, and one more. 'executing losses'??
No nieźle, właśnie niektóre słowa muszą tam być użyte np. strive czy bend albo culture-w słowniku pisało że to także uprawy rolne. Więc co z tym zrobić?Jeśli masz jakieś pomysły to napisz mi zdania by zwierały te słowa dużymi literami i jednocześnie by były poprawne.
1. ok. keep the part with 'devoted to his passionate girlfriend'. i double-checked it, it sounds a little pompous in this case, but it IS ok.
2. 'anxious' is ok, remember - 'a very handsome man'.
3. keep 'he was striving to pick her up/ask her out' (i'd say 'trying hard' though).
he was also trying to bend her (meaning - convince her to do it).
4. i'd still say 'all the crops were destroyed'.

btw, are you translating these sentences or just making them up?
and as for 'fancy going dancing' - try 'do you fancy a dance'?
or 'do you fancy going out dancing with me'? it doesn't rhyme so much now.
Dzięki, już lepiej.Właśnie ja te zdania wymyślam i one mają zawierać te słowa najdziwniejsze.Dlatego tak to marnie wychodzi. Z tym "going dancing" to o to właśnie chodzi by się rymowało, bo on ją podrywa w ten sposób trochę śmieszny można powiedzeć.Może spróbujesz wymyślić coś dla mnie z takimi:
1.estimate,dispatch, reflect abo
2.sympathetic, generous,suspicious
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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