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Chosen by me article was published in The Guardian and shows the problem of bus services in the UK. The current system is too expensive and chaotic, particular cities want to change it, they want the bus services to be cheap and modern. Due to the lack of a unified service, the most commuters are lose out, they freeze at bus stops, their travels are longer and longer and the buses are delayed and crowded. Appropriate funding from the government will allow for greater use of bus possibility, which in turn will reduce traffic as well as air quality crisis.
'Chosen by me article' (a dlaczego nie latwiej i simpler...The article I have chosen) was published in The Guardian and shows the problem of bus services in the UK.
Due to the lack of a unified service, 'the' (niepotr) most commuters 'are' (niepotr) lose out, they freeze at bus stops, their travels are longer and longer and the buses are delayed and crowded. Appropriate funding from the government will allow for greater use of bus possibility, which in turn will reduce traffic as well as THE air quality crisis.